Kantar Interview Experience For Software Engineer

First Round (90 Minutes Online Test):

  • Section 1 (Data Interpretation and Analytics): This section likely involved questions related to interpreting data, quantitative analysis, and analytical problem-solving.
  • Section 2 (Database, OOPs Concepts, Programming Outputs, Theory Questions): This section covered various technical topics including database concepts, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles, programming output-related questions, and theoretical questions about programming.

Each section seems to be crucial for assessing different aspects of a candidate’s skills and knowledge. Data interpretation and analytical skills are essential for various roles, especially those involving data analysis or business intelligence. Understanding database concepts, OOP principles, and programming outputs are fundamental skills for software development roles.

Second Round (DSA Interview – 60 Minutes):

  • Focus Area: Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)
  • Question Type: Medium-level array question
  • Coding Languages Allowed: C, C++, or Java
  • Challenge: Required to devise an efficient solution for the given problem.
  • Task: Code the solution within the specified time frame.
  • Skills Evaluated: Problem-solving abilities, Algorithmic skills, Proficiency in chosen programming language (C, C++, or Java), Ability to optimize code for efficiency.

Third Round (Project and Technical Knowledge Interview – 90 Minutes):

  • Focus Areas: Internship Experience, Project Work (Development, Coding, and Logic), Skills Listed on Resume, Interview Components:
  • Internship and Project Work: Detailed questions about internship tasks and project development, Emphasis on coding methodologies and logical problem-solving approaches used in the project.
  • Resume Review: In-depth discussion about skills listed on the resume, Technical Concepts:
  • Puzzle Questions: Analytical puzzles to evaluate problem-solving abilities.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) Concepts: Questions related to OOP principles.
  • Threading: Inquiry about the concept of threading in programming.
  • Database Management: Writing queries for joining and union operations on tables, Questions related to Indexing in Database Management Systems (DBMS), and Discussion about normalization techniques.
  • Additional Technical Queries: Various questions related to coding, algorithms, and data structures.

Success Criteria:

  1. Demonstration of a deep understanding of project work and internship experience, highlighting coding and logical skills.
  2. Clear and concise explanations of technical concepts and problem-solving approaches.
  3. Proficiency in discussing OOP principles, database management, and related topics.

It’s important for candidates to prepare thoroughly for each of these areas when applying for positions that require technical expertise. Practice, reviewing fundamental concepts, and staying up-to-date with industry trends can be beneficial for success in such interviews.