kbhit in C language

kbhit() functionality is basically stand for the Keyboard Hit. This function is deals with keyboard pressing 

kbhit() is present in conio.h and used to determine if a key has been pressed or not. To use kbhit function in your program you should include the header file “conio.h”. If a key has been pressed then it returns a non zero value otherwise returns zero. 


// C++ program to demonstrate use of kbhit()
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
    while (!kbhit())
        printf("Press a key\n");
    return 0;


"Press a key" will keep printing on the 
console until the user presses a key on the keyboard.

Note : kbhit() is not a standard library function and should be avoided. Program to fetch the pressed key using kbhit 


// C++ program to fetch key pressed using
// kbhit()
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    char ch;
    while (1) {
        if ( kbhit() ) {
            // Stores the pressed key in ch
            ch = getch();
            // Terminates the loop
            // when escape is pressed
            if (int(ch) == 27)
            cout << "\nKey pressed= " << ch;
    return 0;


Prints all the keys that will be pressed on
 the keyboard until the user presses Escape key


#include <stdio.h>
// include conio.h file for kbhit function
#include <conio.h>
    // declare variable
    char ch;
    printf("Enter key ESC to exit \n");
    // define infinite loop for taking keys
    while (1) {
        if (kbhit) {
            // fetch typed character into ch
            ch = getch();
            if ((int)ch == 27)
                // when esc button is pressed, then it will exit from loop
            printf("You have entered : %c\n", ch);

Output :
Enter key ESC to exit
You have entered : i
You have entered : P
You have entered : S
You have entered : w
You have entered : 7
You have entered : /
You have entered : *
You have entered : +