Role of Keystone Species in Conservation Strategies

Keystone species are the ones that exert a large influence on an ecosystem. These keystone species play a crucial role in the survival of other species. They are essential for the effective functioning of a balanced ecosystem. Due to their huge impact on other species, they play a crucial role in the conservation strategies as well. In this article, we will read about the role of keystone species in conservation strategies and their characteristics in detail.

Table of Content

  • Keystone Species Definition
  • Role of Keystone Species in Conservation Strategies
  • Characteristics of Keystone Species
  • Role of Keystone Species in Ecosystem
  • Why are Keystone Species Important?

Keystone Species Definition

A Keystone Species is defined as a species whose presence and role within an ecosystem has a disproportionate effect on other organisms within the system.

Role of Keystone Species in Conservation Strategies

A keystone species plays a pivotal role in an ecosystem by defining the entire ecosystem. Without the keystone species, the whole ecosystem cease to exist. The roles of keystone species in an ecosystem are as follows:

  • The keystone species is the most abundant in an ecosystem which has an enormous effect on the food web.
  • The keystone predators control the distribution and survival of prey species populations. For example, carnivore keystone predators influence the growth and abundance of herbivorous prey populations.
  • Herbivorous keystone species help to control physical and biological aspects of the ecosystem by consuming vegetation, thereby preventing the excessive growth of plants and converting an open grassland into a forest or scrubland.
  • Ecosystem engineers create or modify and maintain the habitats of different populations and thus maintain the species diversity in an ecosystem.

Characteristics of Keystone Species

The key characteristics of keystone species are as follows.

  • They are relatively lower in abundance than the other species within the ecosystem.
  • It has a high impact on the other species within the ecosystem relative to its population size.
  • If a keystone species is removed from the ecosystem, no other species will be able to occupy its ecological niche.
  • It exerts a top-down influence on lower trophic levels.
  • Keystone species prevent species at lower trophic levels from monopolizing critical resources by controlling their population size.

Role of Keystone Species in Ecosystem

Keystone species have an immense impact on maintaining the local biodiversity of an ecosystem and influence the abundance of other species in the ecosystem. They are important components in a food web. A keystone species plays a critical ecological role in an ecosystem that no other species can do.

Without the keystone species, the particular ecosystem will stop functioning or will not exist. A particular species’ role can change from one ecosystem to another and a species that is considered as keystone species in one ecosystem, may not be considered the same in another.

Why are Keystone Species Important?

The keystone species are important in maintaining biodiversity and conservation of plans. The importance of keystone species is as follows:

  • Keystone species are the most vital organisms to maintain the local biodiversity. In the absence of keystone species, the prey population will explode which will result in the extinction of other populations.
  • Keystone species are responsible for the survival of other species and thus create niches for others. For example, without the elephants of the Savannah, the plant species that depend on them for seed dispersal will be extinct.
  • Keystone species that act as food sources affect the size of the population which depends on it for food. Removal of keystone species will lead to extreme competition and/or extinction of many species in that ecosystem.
  • By conserving the keystone species, conservationists can ensure the conservation of all associated species that depend on the keystone species for their survival.

Conclusion: Keystone Species

Every ecosystem has a keystone species which is critical for the survival of that ecosystem. This keystone species can be a huge predator or prey or a plant species without them the ecosystem is unable to exist. Although many components in an ecosystem are intricately linked, the keystone species play a vital role in the proper functioning of an ecosystem. Identification and preservation of keystone species can help to conserve many other species populations within the ecosystem.

FAQs on Keystone Species

What is an Example of Keystone Species?

Keystone species include top predators (e.g., grey wolves), prey (e.g., Antarctic krill), mutualists (e.g., bees), ecosystem engineers (e.g., elephants), and plants (e.g., the Sonoran Desert’s saguaro cactus).

Are Humans a Keystone Species?

Humans are not keystone species. They are considered hyper-keystones as they play a major role in any ecosystem, from forest to land to ocean, in so many different ways.

What are the Keystone Species in India?

The top keystone species in India is the tiger, which is an important part of an ecosystem. Other important keystone species in India include elephants, rhinos, and bears.

Is the Elephant a Keystone Species?

Yes, the elephant is a keystone species. As the largest land mammals, they play an important role in balancing the ecosystem.

How can we Save Keystone Species?

Saving keystone species involves protecting their habitats, regulating human activities, and implementing conservation measures.

What are the Threats to Keystone Species?

Threats to keystone species include habitat destruction, pollution, overhunting, climate change, and invasive species.

What are the Defining Features of Keystone Species?

Defining features of keystone species include their disproportionate impact on ecosystem structure, function, and biodiversity, often outweighing their abundance or biomass.