Khalsa College of Engineering and Technology Fest Experience (Tech Fest 2024)

Hey! I’m so excited to tell you about my awesome time at Tech Fest 2024 at Khalsa College of Engineering and Technology which was a cool event. I got to present my paper on “AI in Cybersecurity,” and guess what? I won first prize!

I made sure my presentation was fun and easy to understand. I used lots of cool stuff like animations and GIFs to show how AI can make cybersecurity better. I talked about how AI helps stop cyberattacks and phishing, which are like sneaky ways bad people try to steal info from computers.

One big thing I talked about was deepfake. It’s when AI makes fake videos that look real. It’s tricky and can fool people into believing stuff that’s not true.

The best part was how the audience reacted. They were really into it! They asked me questions about AI and how it can make the internet safer. It felt awesome to share something I love with others.

And guess what? Winning first prize was like the cherry on top! The cheers from my friends made me feel like a superstar.

Overall, Tech Fest 2024 was an amazing experience that showed me how fun and important tech can be. Can’t wait for more adventures like this!