Top 10 Kotlin IDEs to Know in 2024

Kotlin, a programming language developed by JetBrains, has become popular and has received significant adoption among developers. The reason behind its rapid popularity is its concise syntax and features, such as null safety, extension functions, etc.

To leverage the power of Kotlin, developers have to rely on IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), irrespective of the platform or technology (mobile or backend) they are working on. In this article, we will explore the top 10 Kotlin IDEs that developers should know about. Let’s get started!

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a modern programming language, developed by JetBrains and introduced in 2011 as an alternative to Java, targeting the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Kotlin was launched to be used as a plugin in Android Studio, but later in May 2017, it was declared the official Android development language by Google. Kotlin is not limited to Android development but is also used in other software development domains, such as backend development, desktop application development, and data science and analytics.

The key reason for introducing Kotlin was to address the lack of features in existing programming languages, particularly Java while maintaining seamless interoperability with Java. Nowadays, Kotlin has become the most popular among developers, and its community has increased on a large scale.

What is IDE?

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. IDE is a software application equipped with features and tools that allow programmers to develop software applications. IDE consists of several components, such as a source code editor that allows developers to write code, tools for generation builds, debugging tools, and compilers or interpreters to compile code written by developers.

Top 10 Kotlin IDEs to Know in 2024

Now we have a solid understanding of what is Kotlin and what is an IDE, we can take a look at the Top 10 Kotlin IDEs to Know in 2024. These IDEs make the development process with Kotlin very smooth by providing various features such as auto code completion, debugging etc.

1. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA can be referred to as a Kotlin IDE, as it allows developers to develop Kotlin applications by using its rich set of tools and features. From writing code to creating a build for deployment, IntelliJ IDEA provides an entire environment in one place.

Key Features

  • It offers first-class support for Kotlin (a statically typed language), which means it offers features such as highlighting syntax, code completion, and a tool for code refactoring or code format.
  • It offers code analysis and suggestion tools that help developers improve code quality and productivity.
  • Its powerful debugger tool allows developers to debug code effortlessly by using features such as breakpoints, watches, and variable inspection.

2. Android Studio

Android Studio is an official IDE for Android development. Android Studio contains a rich set of tools and features, such as a layout editor (XML), a code editor (Kotlin and Java), a Gradle-based build system, emulators for app testing, a debugging tool, a profiling tool, version control integration, and app signing.

Key Features

  • Before Android Studio, Eclipse was used for Android development, where developers had to run apps to check layout changes. Android Studio came up with a layout editor that allows developers to change and check layout changes at the time of editing, which saves a lot of development time for developers.
  • It has built-in emulator support with an instant run feature that allows developers to check layout and code changes immediately.
  • With its built-in VCS (Git, GitLab, and SVN) support, developers can easily perform operations such as commit, push, pull, etc.

3. Eclipse, with plugin support

Eclipse is a popular and widely used IDE for Java development, but its support can be extended to other languages, such as Kotlin, through plugins. While IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio are preferred IDEs for Kotlin development, Eclipse with a plugin installed can be another option for developers who are accustomed to Eclipse.

Key Features

  • To use Kotlin in Eclipse, developers need to install the Kotlin plugin from the Eclipse marketplace. Installing this plugin gives developers options such as syntax highlighting, code compilation, and other features.
  • The code suggestion feature from the plugin makes code easy to read, while the code completion feature suggests keywords, variables, and method names to walk with standards.
  • Eclipse also provides features such as debugging, a sign-in app, and VCS (Version Control System) integration, along with a strong community of developers’ support.

4. Visual Studio Code, with plugin support

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight and open-source IDE developed and managed by Microsoft. Mainly, Visual Studio code is used for web development, but its usage can be extended to Kotlin development by installing the Kotlin plugin. Installing plugins can facilitate developers to have gradle, debug, etc., which helps them streamline the development process.

Key Features

  • Installing the Kotlin plugin can enable developers to use features such as debugging, syntax highlighting, and code completion that help streamline the development process.
  • IntelliSense is a powerful code completion tool in VS Code that provides context-aware suggestions that appear as developers type. This helps developers write efficient code and increase their productivity.
  • With VS Code, developers configure dependencies such as Gradle and Maven to support Kotlin projects..

5. NetBeans, with plugin support

NetBeans is an open-source and free IDE. Mostly,  NetBeans is used by Java developers for developing Java applications, including web and desktop applications. NetBeans does not support Kotlin directly, but developers still have the option to install plugins and extensions to enable Kotlin development using NetBeans.

Key Features

  • Installing a plugin offers developers features such as keyword suggestions for method and variable names and code completion that help developers write quality code and increase productivity.
  • With plugins, developers can use refactoring tools to make changes to their Kotlin code safely and efficiently.
  • Using NetBeans, developers can create, import, export, and configure project settings and dependencies. It also allows developers to debug apps and leverages other features, such as VCS integration.

6. Sublime Text with the Kotlin Plugin

Sublime Text is a lightweight and open-source IDE mainly known for its speed, simplicity, and customization options provided by the IDE. To use the Kotlin language in Sublime Text IDE, developers can install a plugin that they can get from its package control repository. Using the Kotlin plugin, developers can use a range of features provided by Sublime Text.

Key Features

  • Installing the Kotlin plugin in Sublime Text enables developers to use multiple features, such as suggestions for method and variable names, syntax highlighting, and other IDE features.
  • The Kotlin plugin in Sublime Text allows developers to use build systems such as Gradle and Maven.
  • Sublime Text came up with a built-in tool called IntelliSense. With the help of this tool, Sublime Text allows developers to use autocompletion and code suggestions.

7. Atom with Kotlin Plugin

Atom was developed by GitHub and released in June 2015. It is a free and open-source text editor for Linux, Windows, and macOS. Atom does not have native support for Kotlin, but installing the Kotlin plugin can allow developers to use Atom for Kotlin projects. This plugin enables developers to use features such as code completion and syntax highlighting.

Key Features

  • To manage code changes and collaborate with other developers, Atom gives support to VCS, including GitHub and SVN.
  • Atom Text Editor supports build tools such as Gradle and Maven, so developers can configure dependencies as per requirements.
  • Atom has a rich community where developers continuously contribute to its development and provide support via tutorials and other resources.

8. Vim with Kotlin Plugin

Vim is a text editor that is mainly known for its capabilities, which allow developers to set multiple configurations as per their needs. As Vim does not have native support, it can be used for Kotlin development using Kotlin plugins. Vim provides efficient editing capabilities through plugins, which makes it a preferable choice for experienced developers as it can be a steep learning curve for beginners.

Key Features

  • Developers can install plugins like vim-kotlin, kotlin-vim, or YouCompleteMe with Kotlin support and enhance their Kotlin development experience.
  • Vim has a large ecosystem where developers are actively contributing to its development and providing continuous support.
  • Vim with the Kotlin Plugin allows efficient editing of Kotlin code within the Vim text editor.

9. Emacs, with Kotlin Mode

Emacs is a text editor known for its extensibility, with GNU Emacs being the most popular version. While Emacs doesn’t natively support Kotlin development, developers can install a plugin for this purpose.

Key Features

  • The Kotlin mode plugin offers language support, including code completion and keyword highlighting.
  • Emacs also integrates with Gradle and Maven for managing dependencies and building artifacts.
  • Emacs, with Kotlin Mode, offers a customizable editing environment.

10. Code:: Blocks with the Kotlin Plugin

Code::Blocks is a free, open-source IDE that supports Kotlin development through a community-developed plugin. While less popular than other IDEs, it offers code completion, syntax highlighting, and project management with plugin support.

Key Features

  • It combines the convenience of Code::Blocks with the power of Kotlin.
  • The Kotlin Plugin for Code::Blocks enhances your coding experience with helpful features like highlighting, auto-complete, and debugging.
  • Due to its steeper learning curve, it’s ideal for developers experienced with the Code::Blocks IDE.


Choosing an IDE for Kotlin development is a very crucial task, as the right choice can help developers enhance their skills and increase productivity. You can choose an IDE based on your needs; for a feature-rich IDE, you can choose IntelliJ IDEA, while for a lightweight IDE, you can choose Sublime Text Editor. Each IDE has its own benefits and drawbacks that developers need to consider before choosing it.