Kotlin Operators

Operators are the special symbols that perform different operation on operands. For example + and – are operators that perform addition and subtraction respectively. Like Java, Kotlin contains different kinds of operators. 

  • Arithmetic operator
  • Relation operator
  • Assignment operator
  • Unary operator
  • Logical operator
  • Bitwise operator 

Arithmetic Operators – 

Operators Meaning Expression Translate to
+ Addition a + b a.plus(b)
Subtraction a – b a.minus(b)
* Multiplication a * b a.times(b)
/ Division a / b a.div(b)
% Modulus a % b a.rem(b)


fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var a = 20 var b = 4 println("a + b = " + (a + b))
        println("a - b = " + (a - b))
        println("a * b = " + (a.times(b)))
        println("a / b = " + (a / b))
        println("a % b = " + (a.rem(b)))


a + b = 24
a - b = 16
a * b = 80
a / b = 5
a % b = 0

Relational Operators – 

Operators Meaning Expression Translate to
> greater than a > b a.compareTo(b) > 0
< less than a < b a.compareTo(b) < 0
>= greater than or equal to a >= b a.compareTo(b) >= 0
<= less than or equal to a <= b a.compareTo(b) <= 0
== is equal to a == b a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null)
!= not equal to a != b !(a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null)) > 0


fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var c = 30
    var d = 40
    println("c > d = "+(c>d))
    println("c < d = "+(c.compareTo(d) < 0))
    println("c >= d = "+(c>=d))
    println("c <= d = "+(c.compareTo(d) <= 0))
    println("c == d = "+(c==d))
    println("c != d = "+(!(c?.equals(d) ?: (d === null))))


c > d = false
c < d = true
c >= d = false
c <= d = true
c == d = false
c != d = true

Assignment Operators – 

Operators Expression Translate to
+= a = a + b a.plusAssign(b) > 0
-= a = a – b a.minusAssign(b) < 0
*= a = a * b a.timesAssign(b)>= 0
/= a = a / b a.divAssign(b) <= 0
%= a = a % b a.remAssign(b)


fun main(args : Array<String>){
 var a = 10
    var b = 5



Unary Operators – 

Operators Expression Translate to
++ ++a or a++ a.inc()
–a or a– a.dec()


fun main(args : Array<String>){
    var e=10
    var flag = true
    println("First print then increment: "+ e++)
    println("First increment then print: "+ ++e)
    println("First print then decrement: "+ e--)
    println("First decrement then print: "+ --e)


First print then increment: 10
First increment then print: 12
First print then decrement: 12
First decrement then print: 10

Logical Operators – 

Operators Meaning Expression
&& return true if all expressions are true (a>b) && (a>c)
|| return true if any of expression is true (a>b) || (a>c)
! return complement of the expression a.not()


fun main(args : Array<String>){
    var x = 100
    var y = 25
    var z = 10
    var result = false
    if(x > y && x > z)
    if(x < y || x > z)
    if( result.not())
     println("Logical operators")


Logical operators

Bitwise Operators – 

Operators Meaning Expression
shl signed shift left a.shl(b)
shr signed shift right a.shr(b)
ushr unsigned shift right a.ushr()
and bitwise and a.and(b)
or bitwise or a.or()
xor bitwise xor a.xor()
inv bitwise inverse a.inv()


fun main(args: Array<String>)
    println("5 signed shift left by 1 bit: " + 5.shl(1))
    println("10 signed shift right by 2 bits: : " + 10.shr(2))
    println("12 unsigned shift right by 2 bits:  " + 12.ushr(2))
    println("36 bitwise and 22: " + 36.and(22))
    println("36 bitwise or 22: " + 36.or(22))
    println("36 bitwise xor 22: " + 36.xor(22))
    println("14 bitwise inverse is: " + 14.inv())


5 signed shift left by 1 bit: 10
10 signed shift right by 2 bits: : 2
12 unsigned shift right by 2 bits:  3
36 bitwise and 22: 4
36 bitwise or 22: 54
36 bitwise xor 22: 50
14 bitwise inverse is: -15