Kotlin Set : setOf()

Kotlin Set interface is a generic unordered collection of elements and it does not contain duplicate elements. Kotlin supports two types of sets mutable and immutable. 
setOf() is immutable means it supports only read-only functionalities and mutableSetOf() is mutable means it supports read and write both functionality. 


fun <T> setOf( vararg elements: T): Set<T>


  • This function returns a new read only set of given elements.
  • The elements are iterated over, according as they are stored .

Kotlin program of setOf() function : 


fun main(args: Array<String>)
    //declaring a set of strings
    val seta = setOf("Beginner" , "for", "Beginner")
    //declaring a set of characters
    val setb = setOf( "G" , "f" , "g" )
    //declaring a set of integers
    val setc = setOf( 1 ,2 , 3 , 4 )
    //traversing through a set of strings
    for(item in seta)
        print( item )
    //traversing through a set of characters
    for(item in setb)
        print( item )
    //traversing through a set of integers
    for(item in setc)
        print( "$item ")


1 2 3 4 

Set Indexing –

Using index functions indexOf() , lastIndexOf() we can get the index of the specified element. And we can also find the elements at some specific index using elementAt() function.

Kotlin program of using index –  


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val captains = setOf("Kohli","Smith","Root","Malinga","Rohit","Dhawan")
    println("The element at index 2 is: "+captains.elementAt(2))
    println("The index of element is: "+captains.indexOf("Smith"))
    println("The last index of element is: "+captains.lastIndexOf("Rohit"))


The element at index 2 is: Root
The index of element is: 1
The last index of element is: 4 

Set first and last element –

We can get the first and element of a set using first() and last() functions. 

Kotlin program –  


fun main(args: Array<String>){
    val captains = setOf(1,2,3,4,"Kohli","Smith",
    println("The first element of the set is: "+captains.first())
    println("The last element of the set is: "+captains.last())


The first element of the set is: 1
The last element of the set is: Dhawan

Set Basics –

Here we will discuss basics functions like count(), max(), min(), sum(), average(). 

Kotlin program of using basic functions –  


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val num = setOf(1 ,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
    println("The number of element in the set is: "+num.count())
    println("The maximum element in the set is: "+num.max())
    println("The minimum element in the set is: "+num.min())
    println("The sum of the elements in the set is: "+num.sum())
    println("The average of elements in the set is: "+num.average())


The number of element in the set is: 8
The maximum element in the set is: 8
The minimum element in the set is: 1
The sum of the elements in the set is: 36
The average of elements in the set is: 4.5

contains() and containsAll() functions –

Both the methods are used to check whether an element is present in the set or not? 

Kotlin program of using contains() and containsAll() function –  


fun main(args: Array<String>){
    val captains = setOf(1,2,3,4,"Kohli","Smith",
    var name = "Dhawan"
    println("The set contains the element $name or not?" +
            "   "+captains.contains(name))
    var num = 5
    println("The set contains the element $num or not?" +
            "   "+captains.contains(num))
    println("The set contains the given elements or not?" +
            "   "+captains.containsAll(setOf(1,3,"Root")))


The set contains the element Dhawan or not?   true
The set contains the element 5 or not?   false
The set contains the given elements or not?   true 

Checking equality of empty sets and use of isEmpty() functions –

fun <T> setOf(): Set<T>

This syntax returns an empty set of specific type.

Kotlin program of using isEmpty() function –  


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    //creating an empty set of strings
    val seta = setOf<String>()
    //creating an empty set of integers
    val setb =setOf<Int>()
    //checking if set is empty or not
    println("seta.isEmpty() is ${seta.isEmpty()}")
    // Since Empty sets are equal
    //checking if two sets are equal or not
    println("seta == setb is ${seta == setb}")
    println(seta) //printing first set

Output : 

seta.isEmpty() is true
seta == setb is true

Sure, here’s an example code that demonstrates how to use the setOf() function in Kotlin


fun main() {
    val fruits = setOf("apple", "banana", "cherry")
    val hasApple = fruits.contains("apple")
    val hasOrange = fruits.contains("orange")
    println("Fruits: $fruits")
    println("Does the set contain an apple? $hasApple")
    println("Does the set contain an orange? $hasOrange")
    for (fruit in fruits) {


Fruits: [apple, banana, cherry]
Does the set contain an apple? true
Does the set contain an orange? false

Advantages of setOf() function in Kotlin:

  1. It is a simple and convenient way to create an immutable set of elements.
  2. Since the set is immutable, its contents cannot be modified once it has been created, making it a safe option for use in multithreaded environments.
  3. The setOf() function ensures that the set does not contain any duplicate elements, which can help to prevent bugs in your code.

Disadvantages of setOf() function in Kotlin:

  1. Since the set is immutable, you cannot add or remove elements from it once it has been created. This may be a disadvantage if you need to modify the contents of the set during the runtime of your program.
  2. If you need to create a mutable set that can be modified at runtime, you will need to use a different function, such as mutableSetOf().