Ladli Foundation Work Experience For Internship

I am kind to students who like to explore different types of extracurricular activities. One thing I was particularly enthusiastic about was internships because I had never done one before. In my 11th grade, an internship opportunity from the Ladli Foundation came up. The school ordered every student to register for it, and being eager to gain internship experience, I signed up.

The internship was focused on social welfare work and included tasks like holding workshops on topics such as TB, drug and substance abuse and writing articles on these subjects. It was a six-month-long internship with similar topics recurring throughout. The articles written by students needed to be posted on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Initially, I was hesitant about posting on LinkedIn because I considered it a platform for professionals, not high school students.

However, I posted on LinkedIn anyway, and after using it for about a month, I discovered that many students like me were also active on the platform. Some of them were even founders of nonprofit and for-profit organizations. This motivated me to start searching for internships on LinkedIn.

I soon discovered a person who was the founder and writer at Teens Magazine. I connected with him and gained insights into how to apply. Despite being rejected six times by Teens Magazine, I persisted and eventually got selected. I continued applying for other internships and faced a series of rejections.

This prompted me to analyze what was going wrong. I prepared a sample message and refined my resume, focusing on making the hiring manager feel valued. Using these tools, I started applying again, and soon, those rejections turned into selections. My LinkedIn profile transformed into a professional one. These two incidents opened the door to various internship opportunities for me and led to a world of endless possibilities.