Lead IV Oxide Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

The PbO2 or lead IV oxide is the recipe of an oxide where the oxidation condition of lead is +4. It is likewise alluded to as anhydrous Plumbic corrosive or lead dioxide or Plumbic oxide. It is viewed as a solid oxidizing specialist. Be that as it may, Plumbic oxide doesn’t break up in liquor or water and stays insoluble in these fluids. It is a dull earthy colored variety of glass-like powder and is widely utilized in making anodes, explosives, and match sticks. This dull earthy colored powder disintegrates in Hydrochloric corrosive, nitric corrosive, oxalic corrosive, and numerous different acids. PbO2 is likewise utilized in the assembling strategy of elastic substitutes


Physical Properties of lead IV oxide

  • The Molar mass of lead oxide is 239.1988 g/mol
  • It shows up with a dim earthy colored tone or in the dark powder
  • Lead oxide has a thickness of 9.38 g/cm3
  • Its Melting point is 290 °C (554 °F; 563 K)
  • Solvency: It is insoluble in water and liquor and solvent in acidic corrosive

Chemical Properties of lead IV oxide

Let’s actually look at a portion of the lead iv oxide substance responses,

  • Decomposition

Whenever Lead dioxide is warmed in the air, it breaks down as follows,

24 PbO2 → 2 Pb12O19 + 5 O2

Pb12O19 → Pb12O17 + O2

2 Pb12O17 → 8 Pb3O4 + O4

2 Pb3O4 → 6 PbO + O2

  • Reaction With Acids And Bases

Lead dioxide (PbO2) is an amphoteric compound with common acidic properties. hydroxy plumbate particle, [Pb(OH)6]2 is shaped when the lead oxide is broken up in a solid base.

PbO2 + NaOH + 2 H2O → Na2[Pb(OH)6]

Lead dioxide responds with hot acids, since Pb4+ cation is truly unstable, it changes over into a stable Pb2+ state, and oxygen is freed.

2PbO2 + 2H2SO4 → 2PbSO4 + 2H2O + O2

2PbO2+ 4HNO3 → 2Pb(NO3)2 + 2H2O + O2

PbO2+ 4HCl → PbCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2

Oxidizing Agent

Lead dioxide is recognizable for its solid oxidizing properties,

MnSO4 + 5 PbO2+ 6 HNO3 → 2 HMnO4 + PbSO4 + Pb (NO3)2 + 2 H2O

Cr (OH)3 + 10 KOH + 3 PbO2 → K2CrO4 + K2PbO2+ 8 H2O

Production of lead IV oxide

The response of Pb3O4 with nitric corrosive delivers the dioxide.

Pb3O4 + HNO3→ PbO2 + Pb (NO3)2 + H2O

Plumbic oxide is dealt with when lead chloride is treated with sodium hypochlorite (NaClO).

Lead IV Oxide Structure PbO2

Lead’s accurate mass and monoisotopic mass is 239.966 g/mol. In Lead oxide structure, hydrogen bond acceptors are two in number though the quantity of hydrogen bond givers remains at nothing. This compound has one covalently reinforced unit and is canonicalized.

Uses of Lead IV Oxide

  • It is widely utilized in assembling explosives
  • Lead IV Oxide is utilized in the assembling of colors as an oxidizing specialist
  • It is utilized as a relieving specialist for polysulfide
  • In electrochemistry, it is utilized as an anode material
  • Lead is utilized to electrolyte copper to keep it from erosion.
  • Material businesses utilize lead oxide as an oxidizing specialist
  • It is likewise utilized in lead-corrosive capacity batteries
  • Lead oxide is additionally utilized as an insightful reagent
  • To produce elastic substitutes lead oxide is utilized
  • It is additionally utilized in making lightning arresters

Sample Questions

Question 1: What is Lead IV Oxide Decomposition Formula?


The lead oxide disintegrates after warming in the climate as per the following.

24PbO2 ⇢ 2 Pb12 O19 + 5O

Question 2: How is Lead Oxide Obtained?


PbO2 is a consumption result that can develop in lead pipes that are utilized for drinking water and the dependability can control lead fixation in the water. It is acquired simply by warming lead oxide in the air. By warming lead under unadulterated oxygen, there will be no pollution that will come out, and henceforth there will be no erosion.

Question 3: What does the equation PbO2 allude to?


PbO2 alludes to lead IV oxide. It is otherwise called lead dioxide, anhydrous Plumbic corrosive, or Plumbic oxide.

Question 4: What happens when PbO2 is warmed?


Whenever PbO2 is warmed, it decays. The response that happens is,

PbO2→ Pb12O19→ Pb12O17 → Pb3O4 → Pb

Question 5: How is PbO2 gotten?


Lead IV oxide doesn’t happen normally, so they are created in ventures in various ways like:

  1. Oxidation of red lead,
  2. Electrolysis through copper and lead cathodes.

Question 6: What are the purposes of PbO2?


Lead IV oxide is generally utilized in enterprises for assembling different things like:

  • Colors, matches, and elastic substitutes;
  • Glass flatware. Glass Tableware delivered in the past used to contain an immense measure of lead IV oxide. It was the principal part in fixing glasses with low terminating temperatures;
  • Explosives;
  • Relieving specialist for polysulfides;
  • Lead-corrosive capacity batteries and is a functioning material of the positive cathode;
  • Electroplating copper;
  • Material industry, mostly for biting the dust.

Question 7: Does interacting with PbO2 impact our wellbeing?


Indeed, lead IV oxide is a perilous component and is harmful when breathed in or gulped. At the point when lead IV oxide is warmed it delivered destructive, poisonous, and bothering gases, which when interacting with people, consume the skin and the eyes.