Lenze India Interview Experience for Software Tester Role | On Campus | 2024 Batch

Round 1(Coding Round):

  • It was an online coding round, but we had to give it at our college campus.
  • There were 3 coding questions and the time was 60 minutes.
    • The first problem was the 2 sum problem(given the target, find if is there any pair of elements in the array whose sum is equal to the target.
    • The second problem was of easy level difficulty.
    • Third problem: Find n prime numbers after the given number.
  • I solved all 3 of them in 25-30 minutes.
  • The students who solved all 3 coding questions were selected for the further round at the company office.

Round 2(Technical Interview):

  • It was an in-person technical interview at the Lenze India office.
  • There was only one technical person who was conducting the interview.
  • He gave me 3 sum problems to solve and then asked me to solve 4 sum problems.
  • Then he gave one more coding question: find distinct characters in a given string.
  • No questions were asked on projects or other technical skills.
  • He only asked me if I was interested in pursuing a career in Testing.

Result: Not Selected


  • Convince the interviewer, that you are interested in testing profile.
  • practice easy and medium-level coding questions on GFG or Leetcode.
  • Don’t make a resume that has development-heavy projects, include testing-related stuff in the resume.