LetsGrowMore Work Experience as an Intern

Hello there! I’m currently in my second year of pursuing a BE in Computer Engineering. So, let’s rewind to May 2023, when I embarked on a month-long internship journey at Let’s Grow More. The anticipation was high, and I was ready to dive headfirst into the professional world. But, as they say, every experience comes with its highs and lows. Here’s my honest take on my internship journey—the good, the not-so-good, and everything in between.

Getting the Foot in the Door:

Securing the internship at Let’s Grow More was an exciting moment. I connected with them through LinkedIn, a platform that has proven to be a treasure trove of opportunities. The initial thrill was heightened when the offer letter and task list landed in my inbox. The projects were based on my domain, Java, and I was ready to flex my coding muscles.

Tasks and Projects Galore:

The internship involved tackling five distinct projects, each with its own unique set of challenges. However, it was communicated that completing just two of these projects would earn me the coveted certificate. The sense of accomplishment was evident, but with it came a realization: I needed to hit the ground running.

Navigating the Wilderness:

As I dug into the projects, I quickly realized that this journey would be a largely independent one. There was no designated guidance or mentorship, leaving me to my own devices. While this level of autonomy can be empowering, it also brings its share of uncertainties. Struggling through roadblocks without a guiding hand was tough, to say the least.

A Self-Promotion Odyssey:

One interesting twist to the internship was that it doubled as a promotional endeavor. Completing the projects wasn’t the end of the road; I was tasked with uploading the project code on GitHub and recording an output video to showcase on LinkedIn while tagging LetsGrowMore. Essentially, I was engaging in promotional activities to showcase their platform.

The Not-So-Sunny Side:

Here’s where things took a bit of a downturn. The culmination of my internship came with a mandatory donation of 79 rupees to Let’s Grow More. While I understood the financial aspect of such a contribution, it left me slightly disheartened. It felt like a compulsory step to secure my certificate, and this left a bittersweet taste after an otherwise enriching experience.

Closing the Chapter:

In the end, my Let’s Grow More internship was a mixed bag. It offered me a chance to learn, grow, and build my portfolio, which I am truly grateful for. The hands-on experience of working on projects, albeit with minimal guidance, provided me with a taste of the real-world challenges that developers face. However, the mandatory donation aspect ofLet’s Grow More certification somewhat overshadowed the overall experience.

So, there you have it – my honest account of my LetsGrowMore internship journey. While it had its highs and lows, it undeniably shaped me in various ways. As I move forward in my career, I’ll always look back on this experience as a stepping stone, acknowledging both its positive contributions and the areas where it fell short.

And that’s a wrap for this chapter of my professional journey!