LG-Soft Interview Experience for C++ Developer Internship (On-Campus)

It was an on-campus experience. The whole process was in virtual mode. The first round was an online test consisting of some MCQ based on C++ and then 1 coding question.

If you pass that then the interview process will start which will be on Skype.

The interviewer was friendly and polite too. The interview started with an introduction followed by some resume-based questions which were mostly based on project and language you know.

I know C++ so questions were based on C++ and Oops and then followed by the implementation of Oops concepts(4 pillars of Oops).

The whole interview was 35 min.

Questions that were asked are:

  • Difference between C and C++?
  • What are oops and uses?
  • Describe 4 pillars of oops followed by implementations.
  • Any Q for me?

It was an overall good experience. I may or may not qualify for this round but for sure “I WILL DO MY BEST”.