Difference Between Like and As

In English, “like” and “as” are two words that are often confused because they can both be used to make comparisons. However, they have different meanings and usages.

Like vs As

Meaning of Like

“Like” is a preposition that is used to compare two things that are similar in some way. It is often used to describe appearance, behavior, or characteristics. When using “like” in comparison, the two things being compared are not necessarily the same.

Usages of Likes

  • To compare appearance: She looks like her mother.
  • To compare behavior: He acts like a child.
  • To compare characteristics: This phone is like mine.

Examples of Like

  • She sings like an angel.
  • He looks like a movie star.
  • The cake tastes like heaven.

Meaning of As

“As” is a conjunction that is used to compare two things that are the same or very similar. It is often used to describe actions or functions. When using “as” in a comparison, the two things being compared are typically the same or very similar.

Usages of As

  • To compare actions: He runs as fast as a cheetah.
  • To compare functions: This tool works as a can opener.

Examples of As

  • She dances as gracefully as a swan.
  • He speaks as if he knows everything.
  • He works as a teacher.

Difference Between Like and As





The word ‘like’ is used to mean ‘similar to’ or ‘the same as’. It can also be used to give some examples.

 The word ‘as’ is used in sentences to highlight the job, appearance or function. It can also be used to mean ‘in the same way.’


She sings like an angel 

She sings as if she were an angel

Parts of Speech 

Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition and Conjunction 

 Adverb, Preposition and Conjunction


 Subject + Like + Noun/Phrase

Subject + Verb + As + Noun/Phrase


Used to create a simile, emphasizing a similarity between the character and another object/person.

Used to compare the character to another object/person, emphasizing their function or manner.


In summary, “like” is used to compare things or show similarity, followed by a noun or pronoun. “As” is used to show a function or role of something or someone, followed by a clause or a verb.