Limits at Infinity

Limits are a basic principle in calculus which explains the behavior of functions as they approach a specific value or as the variable approaches infinity. Limits at infinity are a particular type of limits which deals with the way functions behave when the input variable approaches either positive or negative infinity. Knowing the limit at infinity is a significant factor in the analysis of the asymptotic behavior of functions and their properties, which is the basis for different areas in mathematics, science and engineering.

Table of Content

  • What is the Limit of any Function?
  • What are the Limits at Infinity?
  • Properties of Limits at Infinity
  • Evaluating Limits at Infinity
  • Calculus of Limits at Infinity

What is the Limit of any Function?

The function f(x) limit as x approaches a particular value a is written as lim(x→a) f(x). It stands for the value that f(x) gets when x is near a, but not necessarily equal to f(a). To give you an instance let us take f(x) = 1/x. While x is getting closer and closer to 0 from the right, f(x) is getting larger, and while x is getting closer and closer to 0 from the left, f(x) is getting smaller. However, f(0) is undefined. In this case, we say that lim(x→0) f(x) does not exist.

Limits of a Function

What are the Limits at Infinity?

The limit at infinity is the limit that describes the behavior of the function as x approaches plus or minus infinity. The limit of a function f(x) that is approached as x goes towards positive infinity is called lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x), and the term of the function as x goes towards negative infinity is called lim(xβ†’-∞) f(x). The limits are limits that are the ones that demonstrate the asymptotic behavior of the function, which are the values that f(x) is getting close to as x becomes very large or very small.

Formal Definition of Limits at Infinity

The formal definition of limits at infinity states that lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = L if for every Ξ΅ > 0, there exists a real number M such that |f(x) – L| < Ξ΅ for all x > M. Similarly, lim(xβ†’-∞) f(x) = L if for every Ξ΅ > 0, there exists a real number M such that |f(x) – L| < Ξ΅ for all x < -M.

Representation of Limits at Infinity

Limits at infinity can be shown through a sketch of the graph of the function and by the observation of its behavior as x goes to positive or negative infinity. As well, asymptotes are used in the representation of the limits at infinity. The horizontal asymptote is a horizontal line that the graph of the function gets near the x is going to the positive or negative infinity.

Properties of Limits at Infinity

The properties of limit at infinity are mentioned below:

Constant Rule: If f(x) = c, where c is a constant, then lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = c and lim(xβ†’-∞) f(x) = c.

Power Rule: If f(x) = xn, where n is a positive integer, then:

  • If n is even, lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = ∞ and lim(xβ†’-∞) f(x) = ∞.
  • If n is odd, lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = ∞ and lim(xβ†’-∞) f(x) = -∞.

Reciprocal Rule: If f(x) = 1/x, then lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = 0 and lim(xβ†’-∞) f(x) = 0.

Sum Rule: If lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = L1 and lim(xβ†’βˆž) g(x) = L2, then lim(xβ†’βˆž) [f(x) + g(x)] = L1 + L2.

Difference Rule: If lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = L1 and lim(xβ†’βˆž) g(x) = L2, then lim(xβ†’βˆž) [f(x) – g(x)] = L1 – L2.

Product Rule: If lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = L1 and lim(xβ†’βˆž) g(x) = L2, then lim(xβ†’βˆž) [f(x) * g(x)] = L1 * L2.

Quotient Rule: If lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = L1 and lim(xβ†’βˆž) g(x) = L2 β‰  0, then lim(xβ†’βˆž) [f(x) / g(x)] = L1 / L2.

Evaluating Limits at Infinity

To determine the limits at infinity, we can utilize several methods, for instance, direct substitution, factoring, rationalizing the numerator or the denominator, and the properties of limits. Let’s consider an example:

Example: Evaluate lim(xβ†’βˆž) (x2 + 3x) / (2x2 – 5).


Divide the numerator and denominator by the highest power of x in the denominator, which is x2.

(x2 + 3x) / (2x2 – 5) = (1 + 3/x) / (2 – 5/x2)

As x approaches infinity, 3/x approaches 0 and 5/x2 approaches 0.

Therefore, lim(xβ†’βˆž) (x2 + 3x) / (2x2 – 5) = lim(xβ†’βˆž) (1 + 3/x) / (2 – 5/x2) = 1/2.

Calculus of Limits at Infinity

Limits at infinity are the main point in calculus, especially in the area of asymptotic behavior, continuity, and differentiability of functions. They are employed to study the mode of functions as they come to close or far from infinity and to check the presence of horizontal asymptotes.

Limits of Rational Functions at Infinity

The limit of a rational function f(x) = P(x) / Q(x) as x approaches infinity depends on the degrees of the polynomials P(x) and Q(x). If deg(P(x)) < deg(Q(x)), then lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = 0. If deg(P(x)) > deg(Q(x)), then lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = ∞. If deg(P(x)) = deg(Q(x)), then lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = a, where a is the ratio of the leading coefficients of P(x) and Q(x).

For example, consider the rational function f(x) = (x2 + 3x + 1) / (2x2 – 5). Here, deg(P(x)) = 2 and deg(Q(x)) = 2, so lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = 1/2.

Limits of Trigonometric Functions at Infinity

The limits of the trigonometric functions when x goes to infinity are determined by the type of function and its periodicity. To illustrate this, lim(xβ†’βˆž) sin(x) and lim(xβ†’βˆž) cos(x) do not exist because the functions oscillate between -1 and 1 without getting closer to any specific value. On the other hand, lim(xβ†’βˆž) sin(x) / x = 0 and lim(xβ†’βˆž) cos(x) / x = 0.

Limits of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions at Infinity

Exponential functions of the form f(x) = ax, where a > 0, have the following limits:

  • If a > 1, then lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = ∞ and lim(xβ†’-∞) f(x) = 0.
  • If 0 < a < 1, then lim(xβ†’βˆž) f(x) = 0 and lim(xβ†’-∞) f(x) = ∞.

Logarithmic functions of the form f(x) = loga(x), where a > 0 and a β‰  1, have the following limits:

If x approaches ∞, then f(x) approaches ∞.

If x approaches 0+ (positive values), then f(x) approaches -∞.


The limits at infinity are a basic idea in calculus which explains the behavior of functions as they approach either positive or negative infinity. The limits at infinity are very important when one wants to know the asymptotic behavior of functions as well as their properties, which is necessary to use in many mathematics, science, and engineering areas. Through the use of the given properties of limits and the application of techniques, such as direct substitution, factoring, and rationalizing, we can find the limit at infinity and thus determine the behavior of functions when they are approaching infinity. The research of limits at infinity is also important in the calculus of rational, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, as it brings certain behavior of their asymptotes and the existence of horizontal asymptotes to light.

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Solved Examples in Limits at infinity

Example 1: Evaluate the limit as x approaches infinity for the function ?(?) = 2x3βˆ’5x2+3


As x approaches infinity, the term with the highest power of x dominates the function. Therefore, the limit is:

lim⁑?β†’βˆž(2x3βˆ’5x2+3) = ∞

Example 2: Find the limit as x approaches infinity for the function ?(?)=4x2+2 / x3βˆ’3


Divide the numerator and denominator by the highest power of x to simplify the expression:

lim⁑?β†’βˆž4x2+2x3βˆ’3 = lim⁑?β†’βˆž 4/x +2/x2 / 1βˆ’3/x3

As x approaches infinity, the terms with 1/? and 1/?2 approach 0, leading to:

lim⁑?β†’βˆž 4x2+2x3βˆ’3 = 0+0 / 1βˆ’0 = 0

Practice Questions on Limits at Infinity

Q1. Evaluate the limit as x approaches infinity for the function f(x) = 3x2 βˆ’ 2x + 5

Q2. Compute the limit as x approaches infinity for the function f(x) = 5x2+3xβˆ’12/x3+7

Q3. Calculate the limit as x tends to infinity for the function f(x) = e-x

Q4. Evaluate the limit as x tends to negative infinity for the function f(x) = e2x -x2

FAQs on Limits at Infinity

What is a limit at infinity?

A limit at infinity describes the behavior of a function as the input approaches positive or negative infinity.

What does the limit equal?

The limit at infinity equals the value that the function approaches as the input grows infinitely large or small.

What functions approach infinity?

Functions like polynomials with higher-degree terms, exponential functions with positive bases, and rational functions with higher-degree numerators and denominators tend to approach infinity.

What are the rules of infinity?

Rules for limits at infinity include the dominance rule (terms with higher degrees dominate), the constant multiple rules, and the sum/difference rule.

What functions approach negative infinity?

Functions like negative exponential functions, rational functions with higher-degree terms in the denominator, and functions involving negative powers tend to approach negative infinity.