Linkedin Coachin Interview Experience for Internship 2023

Round 1(Online Test): It was an online 1-hour coding test. The 3 coding questions were easy-medium level questions one was of priority queue ,second of dynamic programming and third of competitive programming .

These were the questions:

Question 1:

Given a set of n tasks, the th (0<i<n) task runs from time start[i] through end[i]. Implement a task scheduler method that finds the minimum number of machines required to complete the tasks. A task can be scheduled on exactly one machine, and one machine can run only one task at a time.


Suppose n= 5, start = [1, 8, 3, 9, 6], end = [7, 9, 6, 14, 7].

Consider the following task schedule. Times in parentheses are the inclusive start and end times for each job.

Machine 1: [(1, 7). (8, 9)]

Machine 2: [(3, 6). (9. 14)]

Machine 3: [(6, 7)]

Here, the number of machines required is 3.

Question 2:

For a string s which consists only of characters ‘0’ and ‘1’, find the number of subsequences of length 5 which are palindromes.

As the answer can be really big, return the answer mod (1e9+7).

Question 3:

In a park, there are n friends standing in a random order, and they plan to throw a ball around. Each friend has a unique number in the range of 1 to n, inclusive. Theth friend will always throw the ball towards the friend given at receiver[i], and this will happen each second. Friend 1 always starts with the ball, and a player always throws to another player Determine which friend has the ball after k seconds pass.

Note: Friends are numbered starting with 1.


receiver = [2,4,1.5,3]

seconds = 6


Since I solved all 3 questions I got the interview call.


Round 1 (Technical Interview Round 1): It was a technical round. I was directly asked the language I am comfortable with and I said C++.

Question 1:

Answer: I successfully told the gfg cycle approach. He discussed the time and space complexity and he asked me to optimize it. I was struck for 2-3 minutes so he helped me a bit and I came up with the simulation approach, he seemed satisfied but i faced a bit difficulty in explaining my thought process to him. He said that my approach was good and just discussed the recursion approach where I just nodded and listened to him.

Question 2:

Answer: I successfully explained my approach and wrote the code


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
stack<pair<int, int> > s;
int next(int price)
    int ans = 1;
    while (!s.empty() && <= price) {
        ans +=;
    s.push({ price, ans });
    return ans;

Then i got a call for HR-round where there was general discussion about my projects and the passion that drives me.

Overall, the interview went well , the interviewer was quite friendly and helped me if I was struck somewhere. The questions were similar to those asked in mock-interview rounds of Linkedin-Coachin programme.