List of Countries and Their Parliaments

In government exams like SSC, Banking, Railways, etc we find many questions from the Static part of the general awareness section. This is a very broad section and sometimes questions are very factual. we will cover the General awareness section comprehensively so that students can learn and get most of the questions correct in this section. In this article, we will provide a List of Countries and their Parliaments.

Indian Parliament: An Introduction

  • The Indian Parliament is the country’s highest legislative authority and is bicameral. 
  • It consists of two houses: the Rajya Sabha, which is the upper house, and the Lok Sabha, which is the lower house. The Lok Sabha is known as the lower house and the Rajya Sabha is the upper house. MPs are elected by the Indian people or nominated by the Indian President. 
  • The tenure of the Rajya Sabha is six years (one-third of its members retire every two years and are replaced by newly elected members)
  • The tenure of the Lok Sabha is five years and it can be dissolved. 
  • In Rajya Sabha, there are 250 seats in total appointed by the President for their contribution to the arts, literature, science, and social services.  In the Lok Sabha, 543 members are elected by India’s electors and two Anglo-Indians are elected by the Indian President. The speaker, the President of the Lok Sabha, is elected by its members. 
  • The Vice-President of India, who is the ex-officio President of the Rajya Sabha, is elected by members of an electoral college composed of members of both houses of Parliament. 

List of Countries and their Parliaments:

Serial No.



1 Afghanistan  Shora
2 Albania  People’s Assembly
3 Algeria  National People’s Assembly
4 Andorra  General Council
5 Angola  National People’s Assembly
6 Argentina  National Congress
7 Australia  Federal Parliament
8 Austria  National Assembly
9 Azerbaijan  Milli Majlis
10 Bahamas  General Assembly
11 Bahrain  Consultative Council
12 Bangladesh  Jatiya Parliament
13 Belize  National Assembly
14 Bhutan Tshogdu
15 Bolivia  National Congress
16 Botswana  National Assembly
17 Brazil  National Congress
18 Brunei  National Assembly
19 Bulgaria  Narodno Sabranie
20 Cambodia  National Assembly
21 Canada  Parliament
22 China  National People’s Assembly
23 Colombia Congress
24 Comoros  Legislative Council And Senate
25 Croatia  Sabor
26 Cuba  National Assembly Of People’s Power
27 Denmark  Folketing
28 East Timor  Constituent Assembly
29 Ecuador  National Congress
30 Egypt  People’s Assembly
31 El Salvador  Legislative Assembly
32 Ethiopia  Federal Council And House Of Representative
33 Fiji Islands  Senate & House Of Representative
34 Finland eduskunta
35 France  National Assembly
36 Germany  Bundestag (Lower House) & Bundesrat (Upper House)
37 Great Britain  Parliament
38 Greece  Chamber Of Deputies
39 Guyana National Assembly
40 Hungary  National Assembly
41 Iceland  Althing
42 Indonesia  People’s Consultative Assembly
43 India  Sansad
44 Iran  Majlis
45 Iraq  National Assembly
46 Ireland  Oireachtas
47 Israel  The Knesset
48 Italy  Chamber Of Deputies And Senate
49 Japan  Diet
50 Jordan  National Assembly
51 North Korea Supreme People’s Assembly
52 South Korea National Assembly
53 Kuwait  National Assembly
54 Lebanon  National Assembly
55 Latvia  Saeima
56 Libya  General People’s Congress
57 Lithuania  Seimas
58 Luxembourg  Chamber Of Deputies
59 Madagascar  National People’s Assembly
60 Mongolia Khural
61 Maldives  Majilis
62 Mongolia  Great People’s Khural
63 Montenegro  Federal Assembly
64 Mozambique  People’s Assembly
65 Myanmar  Pyithu Hluttaw
66 Nepal  Federal Parliament of Nepal 
67 Netherlands  States-General 
68 New Zealand  Parliament
69 Pakistan  National Assembly & Senate
70 Papua New Guinea  National Parliament
71 Poland  Sejm
72 Romania  Great National Assembly
73 Russia  Duma & Federal Council
74 Saudi Arabia  Majlis Al Shura
75 South Africa  Parliament
76 Taiwan  Yuan
77 Uruguay  General Assembly
78 USA Congress
80 Uzbekistan Oliy Majlis
81 Zimbabwe  Grand Parliament
82 Turkey National Assembly
83 Vietnam  National Assembly
84 Zambia  National Assembly