List of Major Rivers in Canada: Top 10 List

Canada is a very fortunate country to have such a good number of rivers flowing through it. Rivers in Canada have their own importance and contribution to the country. It may vary in length, depth, and width, but all have equal importance. Rivers play a very important role in the transportation of goods, habitats for many species, various agricultural activities, and an increase in the diversity of wildlife.

Check the list of top ten major rivers in Canada.

List of Major Rivers in Canada

Here is the table for major rivers in Canada along with their length.

Serial No.


Length Of River


Mackenzie River

4241 kilometers


Yukon River

3190 Kilometers


St. Lawrence River

3058 Kilometers


Nelson River

2575 Kilometers


Peace River

1923 Kilometers


Churchill River

1609 Kilometers


Saskatchewan River

1392 Kilometers


Fraser River

1375 Kilometers


Ottawa River

1271 Kilometers


Athabasca River

1231 Kilometers

Rivers are referred to the flow of fresh water on the surface of the Earth which is used in many ways. Rivers in Canada are used for many purposes including irrigation of crops, transportation of goods, support aquatic life, and used in many of the important industries. 

The below mentioned are the top 10 major rivers flowing in Canada.

Mackenzie River

The Mackenzie River is considered as the longest and largest river in Canada. In North America, the river is the 2nd longest river system. The river plays an important role in the growth of economy in Canada. The origin of the river is from Great Slave Lake which is present in the North east territories. The river flows towards the North direction towards the Beaufort Sea, which is present in the Arctic Ocean.

  • The length of the river is around 4241 kilometers.
  • The river plays a vital role in the transportation of goods and services. 
  • The basin of the river is very rich in many of the natural resources which include different minerals, petrol, oil, and gas.

Yukon River

The Yukon River is the major river in Canada. The river is considered as the important waterway in the North direction of Canada and Alaska. The river is full of different water species including fishes like pike, salmon, and grayling. The river has its important role in the cultural and traditional ways in the lives of people living there. 

  • The total length of the river is 3190 kilometers. 
  • The origin of the Yukon River is from British Columbia and then the river flows through the territory of Yukon. 
  • The river has a beautiful scenic view and many activities are performed by the local people and tourists like boating and fishing. 

St. Lawrence River

The river has a significant role as a waterway in the east direction in Canada. The river connects the Great Lakes to the biggest Ocean named Atlantic Ocean. The river comes under the list of longest rivers present in North America. The river has a very crucial role in the growth of fishing industries in Canada. 

  • The total length of the river is 3058 kilometers.
  • The river has a very important role as a shipping route.
  • Transportation of goods is done through the shipping route of this river. 
  • The river is home to many species of fishes including salmon and sturgeon.

Nelson River

The river flows from two lakes, named Winnipeg and a second lake named Manitoba and then moves towards Hudson Bay. The river is well known for its significance in the growth of hydro electric power generation. The river also contains many dams. 

  • The length of the river is 2575 kilometers. 
  • The river is home to many species of fishes including pike. 
  • The river plays very important role in the growth of transportation. 
  • The river support industries like forest industries and mining industries. 

Peace River

The origin of the river is from the mountains, named Rocky Mountains, which are present in British Columbia. The river flows through Alberta and then flows towards Slave River. The river has a very important role in the economy. 

  • The total length of the river is 1923 kilometers.
  • The river is a very important resource of water which is used for many purposes like in agricultural activities, electricity generation, and industrial purposes. 
  • The river is home to many species of fishes including pike, walleye, and lake whitefish. 
  • The river also supports wildlife. 

Churchill River

The Churchill is a major river present in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. The river is named after the first Duke of Marlborough named, John Churchill. He was the governor of the very well known company, Hudson’s Bay Company from the year 1685 to the year 1691. 

  • The total length of the river is 1609 kilometers. 
  • The river is home to many species of fishes including yellow perch, Lake Whitefish, white sucker, lake trout, and walleye. 
  • The river has one hydroelectric generating station named Island Falls. 

Saskatchewan River

The origin of the river is from The Rocky Mountains. This is a major river which is based in the central Canada. The river flows through central Saskatchewan and afterwards joins the Nelson River. The river is an importance resource of water for the communities living there. 

  • The total length of the river is 1392 kilometers.
  • The water of the river is used for many purposes including industries, irrigation of crops, and many other activities. 
  • The river is home to many species of fishes including northern pike, goldeye, and walleye. 

Fraser River

The river is considered as the longest river present in British Columbia. The origin of the river is from The Rocky Mountains. The river flows towards the west direction and eventually merges with the Pacific Ocean. 

  • The total length of the river is 1375 kilometers. 
  • The river is surrounded by many different ecosystems which include forests, canyons, and wetlands too. 
  • The river is used as a waterway for the transportation of different goods. 

Ottawa River

The origin of the river is from Lake Capimitchigama and eventually joins The St. Lawrence River. Ottawa River was founded by two Europeans named, Etienne Brule and Samuel de Champlain. Several hydroelectric dams are also constructed on the river.

  • The total length of the river is 1271 kilometers.
  • The two Canadian provinces of the river are Ontario and Quebec. 
  • The river is home to many species of fishes including pike, sturgeon, and bass too. 

Athabasca River

The origin of the river is from the Columbia Ice-field. The river flows to north-east direction in Alberta. The river is very well known for its importance in industries especially in oil sand industries. 

  • The total length of the river is 1231 kilometers.
  • The river is home to many species of fishes including pike, whitefish, and trout. 
  • The river has its own historical and cultural importance in people lives. 


Here we come at the end of the article, where we read about top 10 major rivers in Canada. Canada is greatly influenced by rivers. The rivers in Canada have a great role in the growth of the economy of Canada. We have mentioned some of the most important details about the top ten major rivers in Canada.

List of Major Rivers in Canada – FAQs

Which is the smallest river in Canada?

The Powell River is the smallest river in Canada.

What is the most beautiful river in Canada?

The Nahanni River is considered as the most beautiful river in Canada. 

What is the oldest river in Canada?

The Firth River is the oldest river in Canada.

Name 5 major rivers in Canada.

The 5 major rivers of Canada are stated below:

  • The Mackenzie River
  • The Yukon River
  • St. Lawrence River
  • The Columbia River
  • The Saskatchewan River

How many lakes are in Canada?

Canada contains more than 2 million lakes.

What is the deepest river in Canada?

Ottawa River is the deepest river in Canada.