Lizard Life Cycle

Lizard Life Cycle: Lizards are the part of the reptiles that are closely related to the snakes. Currently, there are almost 5000 species of lizards found on this Earth. Most lizards have four legs but some lizards do not have any legs and they resemble snakes. Lizard life cycle stages involve egg laying, hatching, juvenile growth, and adulthood. In this article, we are going to discuss the Lizard Life Cycle in detail.

Table of Content

  • Classification of Lizard
  • Life Cycle of Lizard
    • Stage 1: Egg
    • Stage 2: Juvenile Lizards  
    • Stage 3: Adult Lizard Phase
  • Some Important Facts About Lizards
  • Lizard Habitat and Food
  • Conclusion – Lizard Life Cycle
  • FAQs – Life Cycle Of Lizard

Classification of Lizard

Lizards fall under the reptiles class which belongs to the Squamata order. The major specification of the lizards is, that they are ectotherms i.e. they absorb the heat from the environment to maintain their body temperature. They have an impermeable skin that helps them to sustain the respiration and single circulation process in the water. Here is the biological classification of the lizard as mentioned below.

Biological Classification Of Lizard











Life Cycle of Lizard

Lizards are oviparous which means they lay eggs to give birth to their offspring. The lifecycle of a lizard is very simple and divided into three different stages as mentioned below. 

Stage 1: Egg

It is the first stage of the life cycle of lizard. The adult female lizard lays eggs in the spring and early summer of the year. Lizards are the seasonal breeders. After 20 days of mating, lizards lay their eggs which take almost two months to hatch. The hatching process takes place during the mid-summer time. 

The mother lizard lays its eggs in a safe place and leaves them to develop. We need to remember that the development of eggs and the process of hatching may vary from species to species

Stage 2: Juvenile Lizards  

Juvenile lizards are the second stage of the lizard life cycle. After the hatching of the eggs, juvenile lizards undergo the process of development. In this development process, they adapt to the changes in the environment to grow as an individual. Juvenile lizards do not get any care from their mother and they need to learn how to protect themselves from any danger.

During this time the size of juvenile lizards increases and they become adult. The juvenile stage of the lizards takes almost seventy days to reach to the adult phase, which also varies in species.

Stage 3: Adult Lizard Phase

After becoming an adult, the lizard starts mating with the female lizards. The male adults attract females by spreading their frills. An adult lizard can live 10-15 years and more. During this time, the female adult lizards can lay up to three clutches of eggs per season. The number can change based on the species of the lizard. This is the starting point of the first stage of the lizard’s life cycle again.

Life Cycle of Lizard Diagram

The labeled diagram of lizard life cycle is given below:

Life Cycle of Lizard

Some Important Facts About Lizards

Here are some important facts about lizard as mentioned below.

  • Komodo dragon is the world’s largest lizard which can be around 10 feet long. This lizard weight varies between 80 kgs to 95 kgs. 
  • Most of the lizards have movable eyelids but some have a clear membrane on their eyes which works as the shield of the eye. 
  • It is a really interesting fact that lizards use their tongue to smell. 
  • Lizards catch the substances from the environment and place them into the roof of their mouth. The roof of the lizard mouth contains the receptors that detect the smell. 
  • Lizards cannot live in cold temperatures, for this in Antarctica, there is no lizard. 
  • Lizards are the ectotherms i.e. they absorb the heat from the environment to maintain their body temperature. They have an impermeable skin that helps them to sustain the respiration process in the water. 
  • Lizards are the major prey of so many predators including birds, snakes, and other carnivorous species. 

Lizard Habitat and Food

As we have mentioned earlier, lizards can not survive in the cold environment. In different continents, lizards are found and they live on the ground, in trees, in water, and in our home. There are various types of lizards and they can be omnivorous or herbivores in nature. There are some different species of lizards and they can eat different types of foods. Generally, lizards eat insects like ants, beetles, grasshoppers, moths, termites, crickets, and flies. Some lizards also eat different types of fruits and vegetables

Conclusion – Lizard Life Cycle

Lizards fall under the reptiles class which belongs to the Squamata order. Some lizards have four legs or some of them have two. Some lizards do not have any legs and they resemble snakes. For this reason, lizards and snakes are closely related. Generally, lizards have a long tail and body with a small head and they are found in different colours.Lizards are oviparous which means they lay eggs to give birth to their offspring. The lifecycle of a lizard is very simple and divided into three different stages. In different continents, lizards are found and they live on the ground, in trees, in water, and in our home. Komodo Dragon is the world’s largest lizard which can be around 10 feet long.

FAQs – Life Cycle Of Lizard

How Many Stages are there in the Life Cycle Of Lizard?

The life cycle of a lizard typically consists of four stages: egg laying, hatching, juvenile growth, and adulthood.

Do Lizards Lay Eggs or Give Birth?

Lizards lay their eggs anywhere dark and moist, such as under woodpiles, sheds, and decks. Nesting sites can also be found beneath shrubs and in areas of tall grass.

How Many Lizards are Born At Once?

Each of the eggs of the house lizards hatch to produce small lizards which are eight in number.

Can A Lizard Live Without Food?

The time period of a lizard surviving without feeding depends on the species it belongs to. While adult bearded dragons can survive without food for about three weeks, the leopard gecko can survive about a month without eating.

Do Lizards Sleep All Night?

Lizards sleep for as short as just four hours a day to over 18 hours. Lizards in cold climates brumate (a less deep sleep than hibernation) for several months until it warms up again.

How Long do Lizards Get Pregnant?

An advanced and complex placenta develops, and more than 99 percent of the nutrients required for embryonic development pass from the mother to the offspring. In these species the gestation period is usually very long ( 8–12 months).

How To Find Lizard Eggs?

Look for moist and cool corners of your home and you may find eggs (or even empty ones) that house lizards lay. Female lizards like to keep their breeding grounds dark and moist and they can lay up to 20 eggs per batch.

What If House Lizard Falls In Food?

No, the food does not become poisonous if a house lizard falls in it. Common house lizard is not venomous.

Why Do Lizards Hide At Night?

Many of their predators, especially birds, cats, and the larger species of snakes, cannot enter such places, so the lizard can hide in comfort.

What is Lizard Favourite Food?

The common house lizard is naturally insectivorous, insects are one of their favourite things to eat. They often eat spiders, snails, caterpillars, and all kinds of insects.