Lodash _.curry() Method

Lodash _.curry() method returns a curried version of the given function. it accepts an arity which is a number that shows it will keep accepting arguments until it has received this number of arguments or invocings.


_.curry(fun, [arity=fun.length])


  • fun: This is the given function.
  • [arity=fun.length]: The arity of the function

Return Value:

It returns a curried version of the function.

Example 1: In this example, we are passing numbers to the gfgFunc which stores the result of the lodash _.curry method and prints the result in the console.


// Defining lodash contrib variable
let _ = require('lodash');
// Function
function fun(a, b, c, d) {
    return a + b + c + d;
// Making curried function
let gfgFunc = _.curry(fun);
// Only operates for arguments same
// as the number in function
console.log("Addition is :",
// Not adds for less arguments


Addition is : 115
[Function: wrapper]

Example 2: In this example, we are passing numbers to the gfgFunc which stores the result of the lodash _.curry method and prints the result in the console.


// Defining lodash contrib variable
let _ = require('lodash');
// Function
function fun(a, b, c) {
    return a * b * c;
// Making curried function
let gfgFunc = _.curry(fun);
// Only operates for arguments same
// as the number in function
console.log("Multiplication is :",
// Not multiplies for less arguments


Multiplication is : 12420
[Function: wrapper]