Lodash _.drop() Method

Lodash _.drop() method is used to drop the elements in a given array.


_.drop(array, number);


  • Array: It is the original array from which the elements are to be removed.
  • Number: It is the number of elements to be removed from the array.

Note: The elements are removed from the index 0 of the array.

Return Value:

It returns the sliced array.

Example 1: In this example, we are dropping 2 elements of an array and printing the rest of the elements by the use of the _.drop() method.


// Requiring the lodash library
const _ = require("lodash");
// Original array
let array = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
// using drop() method to remove
// first two elements
let newArray = _.drop(array, 2)
// Printing original array
console.log("before : ", array)
// Printing array after applying
// drop function
console.log("after : ", newArray)


Example 2: In this example, we are dropping 10 elements of an array and the number od dropping elements is higher than it’s length so it will print the empty array.


// Requiring the lodash library
let _ = require("lodash");
// Original array
let array = [1, 2, "a", "b", "c", "d"]
// Using drop() method to remove
// first 10 elements
let newArray = _.drop(array, 10)
// Printing original array
console.log("before : ", array)
// Printing array after applying
// drop function
console.log("after : ", newArray)
