Lodash _.includes() Method

Lodash _.includes() method is used to find whether the value is in the collection or not. If the collection is a string, it will be tested for a value sub-string, otherwise SameValueZero() method is used for equality comparisons. If the index is given and is negative, the value is tested from the end indexes of the collection as the offset.


_.includes( collection, value, index );


  • collection: This parameter holds the collection to inspect. The collection can be an array object or string.
  • value: This parameter holds the value to search for.
  • index: This parameter holds the index to search from.

Return Value:

This method returns true if the value is found in the collection, else false.

Example 1: In this example, we are checking whether the given value is present in the given collection or not by the use of the _.includes() method.


// Requiring the lodash library 
const _ = require("lodash");
// Collection of string
let name = ['gfg', 'Beginner',
    'computer', 'science', 'portal'];
// Check value is found
// or not by _.includes() method
console.log(_.includes(name, 'computer'));
// Check value is found or
// not by _.includes() method
console.log(_.includes(name, 'geeeks'));
// Check value is found or
// not by _.includes() method
console.log(_.includes(name, 'gfg', 2));



Example 2: In this example, we are checking whether the given value is present in the given collection or not by the use of the _.includes() method.


// Requiring the lodash library 
const _ = require("lodash");
// Collection of integer value
let name = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30];
// Check value is found or not
// by _.includes() method
console.log(_.includes(name, 25));
// Check value is found or not
//  by _.includes() method
console.log(_.includes(name, 35));
// Check value is found or not
//  by _.includes() method
console.log(_.includes(name, 25, 3));

