Lodash _.mapValues() Method

Lodash _.mapValues() method is used to create a new mapped object with the same keys as the given object and the values are generated using the given iteratee function.


_.mapValues(object, iteratee);


  • object: This parameter holds the object to iterate over.
  • iteratee: This parameter holds the function that is invoked per iteration on the object. It is an optional value.

Return Value:

This method returns the new mapped object.

Example 1: In this example, we are creating a new object having the same password as the old one by the use of the lodash _.mapValues() method.


// Requiring the lodash library 
const _ = require("lodash");
let users = {
    'w3wiki': {
        'username': 'gfg_id',
        'password': 'gfg@123'
    'W3school': {
        'username': 'w3school_id',
        'password': 'w@123'
// Using the _.mapValues() method
    _.mapValues(users, function (o) {
        return o.password;


{w3wiki: "gfg@123", W3school: "w@123"} 

Example 2: In this example, we are creating a new object having the same username as the old one by the use of the lodash _.mapValues() method.


// Requiring the lodash library 
const _ = require("lodash"); 
let users = {
  'w3wiki': {
    'username': 'gfg_id',
    'password': 'gfg@123'
  'W3school': {
    'username': 'w3school_id',
    'password': 'w@123'
// Using the _.mapValues() method
console.log(_.mapValues(users, 'username'));


{ w3wiki: 'gfg_id', W3school: 'w3school_id' }