Look East Policy: Objective, Difference

The Look East Policy launched by the Government of India in 1991 and led by the former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao had a clear objective to develop economic, political, and security cooperation amongst the countries belonging to Southeast Asia.

The Look East Policy led to a prudent shift in India’s reputation concerning the entire World’s perspective. Further improvements regarding this act were made by successive administrations that included Atal Bihari Vajpayee whose tenure was from 1998–2004 and Manmohan Singh whose tenure was from 2004–2014.

Look East Policy: Objective, Difference

Table of Content

  • What is the Look East Policy?
  • What is the East Act East Policy Policy?
  • Difference between the Act East Policy and Look East Policy?
  • What are the main Objectives of Look East Policy?
  • A Deeper insight into The Look East Policy

What is the Look East Policy?

The “Look East Policy” was an Indian foreign policy initiative that aimed to strengthen diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties with countries in Southeast Asia. Originally launched in the early 1990s, it was later renamed the “Act East Policy” to reflect a more proactive approach.

The policy focused on fostering cooperation in trade, investment, and strategic partnerships with nations in the Asia-Pacific region to enhance India’s regional influence and economic engagement.

What is the East Act East Policy Policy?

The Act East Policy aims to foster economic collaboration, strengthen cultural bonds, and cultivate strategic partnerships with nations in the Indo-Pacific region. This objective is pursued through sustained involvement at the levels of bilateral, regional, and multilateral interactions, emphasizing comprehensive connectivity.

The term “connectivity” encompasses political, economic, cultural, and people-to-people relations, reflecting the policy’s holistic approach to enhancing India’s engagement in the broader Indo-Pacific context.

Difference between the Act East Policy and Look East Policy?

A clear difference between the two policies is that the Act East Policy worked on extending the neighborhood of Southeast Asia and incorporated security cooperation whereas the Look East Policy centered on ASEAN nations regarding their economic cooperation.

Also, the Act East policy had a greater focus on Security whereas for Look East Economy was an important dimension.


Act East Policy

Look Act Easy Policy

Geographical Focus

Directed towards Southeast Asia, especially ASEAN

Expanded scope covering East Asia and the Pacific Islands

Primary Emphasis

Focuses mainly on economic cooperation

Balances economic, cultural, and strategic interests

Strategic Approach

Often defensive and cautious

Embraces a proactive and assertive stance

Engagement Strategy

Predominantly bilateral in nature

Shifts towards increased multilateral and regional engagements

What are the main Objectives of Look East Policy?

The Look East Policy has objectives that are worth highlighting are mentioned below;

1. Economic Cooperation: One of the goals is to strengthen existing ties and promote trade, between nations. Additionally it aims to enhance investments with countries.

2. Diplomatic Relations : The policy focuses on intensifying relations and forming alliances with countries in the Southeast Asian region mentioned earlier.

3. Exchanges : Another objective is to facilitate interactions and promote people to people relations aiming to improve mutual awareness and goodwill.

4. Strategic Alliances : The policy seeks to enhance unions for benefit and regional stability with a particular emphasis, on Southeast Asian countries.


Ever since the Sino- Indian War of 1962, China and India have been strategic challengers in South and East Asia. China has cultivated close marketable and military relations with India’s neighbour Pakistan and contended for influence in Nepal and Bangladesh. After Deng Xiaoping’s rise to power in China in 1979 and the posterior Chinese profitable reform, China began reducing pitfalls of expansionism and in turn cultivated expansive trade and profitable relations with Asian nations. China came the closest mate and supporter of the military galère of Burma, which had been ostracised from the transnational community following the violent repression ofpro-democracy conditioning in 1988. In discrepancy, during the Cold War, India had a fairly reluctant relationship with numerous countries in Southeast Asia as similar politic relations were given fairly low precedence.

India’s” Look East” policy was developed and legislated during the governments of high ministers Narasimha Rao( 1991 to 1996) and Atal Bihari Vajpayee( 1998 to 2004). Along with profitable liberalisation and moving down from Cold War-period programs and conditioning, India’s strategy has concentrated on forging close profitable and marketable ties, adding strategic and security cooperation and the emphasis of major artistic and ideological links. India sought to produce and expand indigenous requests for trade, investments and artificial development. It also began strategic and military cooperation with nations concerned by the expansion of China’s profitable and strategic influence.

A Deeper insight into The Look East Policy

The Look East Policy aims to establish connections, between ASEAN and East Asian nations with a focus on promoting a centered approach. Also India has actively participated in agreements with East Asian countries, which has greatly contributed to the advancement of its Act East Policy. The point that is of utmost importance is the Noteworthy bilateral relationships formed under this policy include India’s engagement with the countries consisting China, Myanmar and Sri Lanka relations with India.

Secondly, India’s Look East Policy is supported by forums and regional groupings such as:

  • SAFTA: South Asian Free Trade Area
  • BIMSTEC: Bay of Bengal Initiative of Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
  • MGC: Mekong-Ganga Cooperation
  • BCIM: Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar Economic Corridor
  • ASEAN: Association of South Eastern Asian Nations
  • EAS: East Asia Summit

To further strengthen Indias Look East Policy the government has undertaken many useful initiatives, like the Trans Asian highway stretching from Singapore to Istanbul, the Trans Asian Railway connecting Delhi to Hanoi and the establishment of a Trans National Gas Pipeline (800 km in length) which is situated between Mynmar, Bangladesh and India.

Lastly, An important event that marked a milestone was the Trans Asian Car rally in 2004. The rally commenced from Guwahati and concluded in Batam (Indonesia) passing through mutliple countries like India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore along the way.

Conclusion on Look East Policy

After analysis it is clear that the Look East Policy had an impact, on Indias foreign relations by expanding its political and economic reach beyond its neighboring countries. This policy set the foundation for business partnerships, cultural exchanges and strategic alliances. The shift towards the Act East Policy demonstrated Indias dedication to taking a inclusive approach in the region signifying a notable advancement, in the countrys regional involvement.

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FAQs on Look East Policy

What led to the establishment of the Look East Policy?

India’s decision to expand its presence and valve into the openings, in Southeast Asia was fueled by shifting global dynamics after the Cold War.

What donation did the Look East Policy have to transfigure India’s relation with nations?

The Look East Policy redounded in ties, increased trade collaborations, eased investments and promoted artistic exchanges. These sweats fostered connections between India and Southeast Asian countries.

What kind of elaboration did Look East Policy suffer?

The Look East Policy tranformed into a better and streamlined new policy known as the Act East Policy. This elaboration signified an inclusive approach towards indigenous integration and engagement.

What were some of the achievements of the Look East Policy?

The Look East Policy achieved multiple mileposts similar as growth in trade volumes bettered, connectivity between nations, enhanced artistic collaborations and strengthened politic ties.

What challenges were faced by Look East Policy?

The policy had to face colorful challenges ranging from addressing gaps to navigating geopolitical intricacy. prostrating these obstacles needed sweats to consolidate ties and promote cooperation.

How did the Look East Policy impact Indias positioning?

By pursuing the Look East Policy India expanded its influence on a scale. This solidified its part as a player in Southeast Asia while also attracting attention from global powers. As a result it played a part, in shaping conversations and programs.

What does the unborn hold for Indias engagement through the Act/ Look East policy?

The metamorphosis of the policy, into the Act East Policy signifies a fidelity to involvement with a focus on technology, defense and socio hookups, for participated advancement.

What impact did the Look East Policy have on India’s influence, in the region?

The Look East Policy played a role in boosting Indias influence establishing the country as a prominent player, in Southeast Asia and East Asia. This policy facilitated partnerships, cooperation and gained recognition for India on a platform.

Did the Look East Policy have any initiatives to promote exchange?

Yes the policy actively encouraged interactions, academic exchanges and art festivals to foster understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.

What were the main economic benefits, for India, under the Look East Policy?

The policy resulted in increased trade volumes, enhanced investments and facilitated economic growth which contributed to Indias development and expansion into new markets.

How did the Act East Policy differ from the Look East Policy?

The Act East Policy went beyond looking” at the region and focused on engagement and participation. It encompassed East Asia and the Pacific Islands emphasizing a approach.