Lowe’s India Interview Experience

I participated in Lowe’s India hiring this year. It had total of four rounds.

Round 1 : Online Hackathon

This year Lowe’s India organized an online Hackathon named Lowe’s Campus Hackathon on TechGig to hire Software Engineers. It had four problem statements related to retail business and asked to implement one of them. 

Problem Statements:

  1. Build a self-checkout solution for a Retailer.
  2. Build a conversational solution that enables customers to discover and order products.
  3. Build a solution to help the customers find products in the store and help them navigate to the corresponding aisle/shelf. If there is a shopping list, provide the best shopping trip to complete the purchases.
  4. Build a smart store replenishment system.

Total of more than 3800 Teams took part in this hackathon from all over India. I along with my two other friends also participated in this hackathon as a team. Our solution was based on Android for the 3rd problem statement. 

Finally, 21 Teams were selected in this round and we were at 9th position.

Round 2 : Presentation Round

All the 21 teams selected in Round 1 were assigned with mentors to improve their solution. After few mentoring sessions, We were asked to present our solution to the judges. We explained them working of our solution, its implementation, architecture and everything using PPT. Then we had to upload all the deliverables like Source Code, APK File, GitHub link, Deployment Instructions and a short demo video showing the working of our app.

Unfortunately, We couldn’t make it in the Top 3. But, We got a chance to have an interview for the role of Associate Software Engineers. 

Round 3: Technical Round

It lasted for 1 hour. First the interviewer asked about my role in the App we had built. Then asked some questions related to our solution like:

  1. Why you have used NoSQL database?
  2. What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL database?              https://www.w3wiki.net/difference-between-sql-and-nosql/
  3. What is GSON?
  4. Asked to show the souce code for the OCR we had implemented.

After this, he asked 2 Coding questions:

  1. Shift all the zeroes to the end of an array without using extra space.       https://www.w3wiki.net/move-zeroes-end-array/
  2. Implement search functionality in a Singly LinkedList using Java.            https://www.w3wiki.net/search-an-element-in-a-linked-list-iterative-and-recursive/

Then he asked few more questions of CS Fundamentals:

  1. What happens when we enter an URL inside a browser.                            https://www.w3wiki.net/what-happens-when-we-type-a-url/
  2. Difference between WHERE and HAVING clause in SQL.                                https://www.w3wiki.net/having-vs-where-clause-in-sql/
  3. And at last, Explain OOPS Concepts.                                                                    https://www.w3wiki.net/object-oriented-programming-oops-concept-in-java/

Round 4: HR Round

After technical round, I got mail for the HR Round. The interviewer was very friendly. First, She introduced herself and asked about the COVID-19 situation around me.

After this, She began with the questions like:

  1. Tell me something about yourself.
  2. I had mentioned an internship. So, she asked some questions related to that.
  3. Tell me 3 things that you will bring to Lowe’s and 3 things that you expect from Lowe’s, if you are hired.
  4. What do you know about Lowe’s?
  5. Who was your mentor during the Hackathon and how was his behaviour.
  6. What do you like to do in your free time?
  7. Tell me about your family.
  8. Why you don’t want to go for higher education?

Atlast, She asked me if i was okay with relocating to Banglore. Never say no.

The next day, I got informed by my institute Placement Cell that I have been selected for the role of Associate Software Engineer at Lowe’s India ?