Machine Learning Engineer Career Journey

Desired profession

I’ve been very enthusiastic about working in the software industry since my intermediate days. So I decided to pursue a CS specialization.

Things I wasn’t aware of during my graduation

I didn’t have much guidance about the useful things for my upcoming journey. I studied my core subjects solely for exam purposes and didn’t delve deeper into the subjects. This led to a lack of knowledge and motivation regarding some programming languages, data structures, and algorithms. After observing that most jobs were being taken over by machines, I decided that becoming a Machine Learning engineer could be a safer path in the tech world.

How I Learnt Machine Learning

The role of Machine Learning engineers has become increasingly crucial in shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. I learned Machine Learning from YouTube sources, Andrew Ng’s videos, and by following articles on w3wiki. I also took Udemy courses.

Skills I learnt

Proficiency in a language like Python is mandatory. So, I learned Python along with its libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, and Matplotlib. I also gained a proper understanding of Machine Learning algorithms by using Google Colab. After that, I tried to understand ML projects like Titanic survival, PUBG game prediction, and solar irradiance.

Useful things in daily life of a Machine Learning Engineer

I believe that Deep Learning is more complex than Machine Learning. Once I am able to get a grasp of it, it will be easier because there is less feature extraction needed in Deep Learning.

Be the Best version of yourself

The Machine Learning industry is a creative industry with a wide variety of projects.