Magento vs Drupal

Magento can be understood as an e-commerce platform which helps its users to create online stores for selling their products and services. It was founded by Roy Rubin and it was initially launched in 2008. It was built using the PHP programming language. It is an open-source platform. In 2018 Adobe Incorporation purchased it for $1.68 billion. MySQL and MariaDB are used as databases to store information.

Drupal can be understood as a content management framework which helps in building interactive web applications and websites. It is an open-source platform. The development credit for this platform goes to Dries Buytaert. It was initially launched in 2000. The current version of this framework is 8.5 It was developed using PHP programming language. It was built using a software architectural pattern.

Below is a table of differentiation between Magento and Drupal:




1. It is an e-commerce platform which provides services to create online stores to sell goods. It is a content management framework which helps in building websites, blogs etc.
2. Magento was founded by Roy Rubin. Drupal was founded by Dries Buytaert.
3. It uses Magento’s business intelligence tool for analyzing customer information. It uses third-party plugins and tools for analysing customer information.
4. Integrated payment options are available for online stores created by users. It does not have any integrated payment options.
5. It provides advanced features like activity tracking, traffic analysis, notification functionality etc. It provides simple features like management of audio files of the website, customer information handling etc.
6. It supports web platforms along with android and iPhone platforms. It supports web platforms only.
7. It provides better SEO functionalities like sitemap, meta tags, canonical tags etc for ranking websites. It provides basic SEO facilities for ranking websites in Search Engine Result Pages.
8. It provides the best inventory management features. It provides good inventory management for e-commerce websites.