Mahatma Gandhi Junior College Campus Experience

How can I ever forget that day when I first walked into Junior College. It was the first day of July. The rush for admissions was over and I was relieved because I had gained admittance into so reputed an institution. I had dressed well for the occasion, and my heart was full of excitement and expectations.

I reached the college gate. Many other students were standing there. Some of them whistled and jeered at me. I wondered why they were doing so. I was a little embarrassed but ignored them and passed hurriedly without raising my head. I stood in the porch of the imposing college building and looked around. For a moment. I was completely at sea. I studied the notice board. It gave me the Information regarding my class and roll number.

I entered the classroom and was relieved to see a few familiar faces, some from my school and a few from my locality. I took a seat next to Ketan who lived near my house. We began speaking in whispers to each other. I asked Ketan the reason for the ridicule I had suffered at the College gate. He told me that those were the Senior students and that they knew I was a ‘fresher’. He told me not to worry as they did this to all newcomers.

The bell rang and a lecturer entered the class. We stood up and wished him. He asked us to sit and then introduced himself. He welcomed us and then gave us general information and some useful instructions.

Since it was the first day, there were no lectures. I managed to collect a few friends and we moved around the college premises. We studied the locations of the various rooms in the college such as the college office, the Principal’s office, the staff room, the laboratory, the gymkhana and so on.

I had entered the college shy and a little diffident. When I left I was bolder and more confident. Every single detail of that day is etched on my mind.