Mahindra Comviva Interview Experience ( On-Campus 2020 )

Recently Mahindra Comviva visited our campus for hiring students for the profile of “Engineer Trainee”. 

There were 4 rounds in the process. (Online+Technical Interview+Write-Up+HR Round).

Round 1:- 

In the Online round, there were quant+analytical questions and 2 Coding questions. I remember one Question.

Round 2:- Technical Interview

It started with the usual “Tell me something about yourself”. Then he asked questions about data structures. I had mentioned DMBS in my resume so he asked what are DDL & DML. Since I was from the electronics background he asked the following puzzle:-

In this round, the interviewer checked the basics instead of asking the various algorithms or any usual data structures related question(P.S. :- Get your basics right!).

Round 3:- Write-UP

I was asked to write on the topic “If intelligence Grew On Trees” in about 200 words. (Little Advice:- Don’t copy from the internet, write your own, because they will know that you’ve copied from the internet).

Some of the other topics were:-

“Selling Mirror to Blinds”.

“Listening is a dying art. We hardly listen to understand, we only listen to refute or reply”.

18 students were shortlisted for the HR Interview.

Round 4:- HR Round

There was not a single usual HR question! Interviewer Directly jumped on co-curricular activities and asked about a situation where my and team leader’s opinion were different and what was the result of this and how i coped up with it.Then the interviewer asked a puzzle. You are standing in a dark room with no source of light, you don’t have any source of light.Find the centre of the floor (Exact same words). The interviewer wants to check your approach in this question. This question has not a single definite solution. You have to ask the right questions from the interviewer and proceed accordingly.(PS:- Don’t always jump straight on formulas and concepts of physics and maths, sit back and think logically what can you do to solve the problem).

Total of 8 students were selected and luckily I was one of them.

GFG is a fabulous source for those who want to learn from basics to advanced level of any given topic. It’s very helpful in preparation of interviews, be it any concept of any subject, any coding question or any puzzle, GFG has it all!!