Make In India – Objectives, Logo, Initiatives, Schemes & Advantage

Make in India: Make in India is a flagship initiative launched by the Government of India in September 2014 with the vision of transforming the country into a global manufacturing powerhouse. Rooted in economic growth, job creation, and industrial development principles, Make in India seeks to harness India’s vast potential and strengths to propel its manufacturing sector to new heights.

Let us learn more about Make in India!

Make In India

Overview of Make in India

Aspect Details
Launch Year September 2014
Objective Transform India into a global manufacturing hub, boost economic growth, create jobs, and enhance industrial development.
Key Focus Areas 1. Ease of Doing Business
2. Infrastructure Development
3. Skill Development
4. Innovation and Research
5. Sectoral Promotion
6. FDI Promotion
Key Pillars 1. Ease of Doing Business
2. Infrastructure Development
3. Skill Enhancement
4. Innovation and R&D
5. FDI Promotion
Sectoral Focus Automotive, Electronics, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, Renewable Energy, Aerospace and Defense, Chemicals, Food Processing, Construction, etc.
Achievements – Increased FDI inflows
– Job creation in manufacturing sectors
– Growth and expansion in key sectors
– Improvement in ease of doing business ranking
Challenges – Infrastructure bottlenecks
– Skill shortages
– Policy implementation challenges
– Global competitiveness
Future Directions – Addressing infrastructure challenges
– Bridging skill gaps
– Strengthening policy implementation
– Enhancing global competitiveness

Make in India Logo

The Make in India logo is an integral part of the initiative’s visual identity, symbolizing India’s transformation into a global manufacturing hub. It features a sleek and modern design that reflects innovation, progress, and inclusivity. Here’s a description of the Make in India logo:

  • Lion Symbol: The centerpiece of the logo is a stylized lion, which represents strength, resilience, and pride—qualities associated with India’s industrial prowess and ambitions. The lion is depicted in a dynamic pose, conveying forward momentum and determination.
  • Cogs and Gears: Surrounding the lion are interconnected cogs and gears, symbolizing the machinery and infrastructure of manufacturing. This imagery evokes the idea of progress, synergy, and collaboration in the industrial sector.
  • Spinning Wheel: At the lion’s feet lies a spinning wheel, a traditional Indian symbol associated with self-reliance, craftsmanship, and entrepreneurship. Its inclusion highlights the initiative’s emphasis on indigenous manufacturing and empowering small-scale industries.
  • National Colors: The logo features the colors of the Indian flag—saffron, white, and green—along with a navy blue background. This color scheme not only reflects India’s national identity but also reinforces the initiative’s patriotic spirit and commitment to national development.

Different Sector (Major 25) – Make In India

The Make In India has listed 27 sectors under the initiative. The official website has published all the relevant data and different government policies for 25 major sectors only. To understand them in a better way we have divided them into two major sectors as mentioned below:

Different Sector (Major 25) – Make In India

Manufacturing Sectors

Services Sectors

  • Aerospace and Defence
  • Automotive and Auto Components
  • Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
  • Bio-Technology
  • Capital Goods
  • Textile and Apparels
  • Chemicals and Petro chemicals
  • Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM)
  • Leather & Footwear
  • Food Processing
  • Gems and Jewellery
  • Shipping
  • Railways
  • Construction
  • New and Renewable Energy
  • Information Technology & Information Technology enabled Services (IT &ITeS)
  • Tourism and Hospitality Services
  • Medical Value Travel
  • Transport and Logistics Services
  • Accounting and Finance Services
  • Audio Visual Services
  • Legal Services
  • Communication Services
  • Construction and Related Engineering Services
  • Environmental Services
  • Financial Services
  • Education Services

Why Make in India?

The Make in India initiative was launched with several objectives and underlying motivations, each aimed at driving economic growth, industrial development, job creation, and overall progress in India. Here are some key reasons behind the Make in India initiative:

  1. Boosting Economic Growth: By promoting domestic manufacturing and attracting foreign investment, Make in India seeks to stimulate economic growth and enhance India’s GDP contribution. A thriving manufacturing sector is essential for achieving sustainable and inclusive economic development.
  2. Creating Jobs: Manufacturing has the potential to generate large-scale employment opportunities, particularly for the youth and those residing in rural areas. Make in India aims to create millions of jobs across various sectors, thereby addressing the challenge of unemployment and underemployment.
  3. Enhancing Industrial Development: Make in India aims to transform India into a global manufacturing hub by fostering the growth and competitiveness of its industrial sector. This includes promoting innovation, modernization, and technological advancements to enhance productivity and efficiency.
  4. Attracting Foreign Investment: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays a crucial role in financing industrial projects, technology transfer, and global integration. Make in India seeks to attract foreign investors by simplifying regulatory processes, offering incentives, and creating a conducive business environment.
  5. Reducing Dependency on Imports: India’s heavy reliance on imported goods in various sectors poses economic challenges, including trade deficits and currency devaluation. Make in India aims to reduce dependency on imports by encouraging domestic production, thereby promoting self-reliance and strengthening the economy.
  6. Improving Trade Balance: By promoting exports of domestically manufactured goods, Make in India aims to improve India’s trade balance and contribute to a more sustainable and balanced economy. Export-oriented manufacturing can generate foreign exchange earnings and enhance India’s competitiveness in global markets.
  7. Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Make in India encourages innovation, research, and development across sectors to enhance product quality, competitiveness, and value addition. It also seeks to create an enabling ecosystem for entrepreneurship, supporting startups and small-scale industries.
  8. Empowering States and Local Communities: Make in India aims to promote industrial development across states and regions, thereby empowering local communities and reducing regional disparities. It seeks to leverage India’s diverse demographic and geographic strengths for inclusive growth.

Major Initiatives – Make In India

There are four major initiatives the government has taken to fulfill the Make In India initiative as mentioned below.

1. National Single Window System (NSWS)

National Single Window System is a digital platform that allows investors to apply here for approval for various operations. After getting the approval they can start the business here in India.

  • Jammu & Kashmir became the first Union Territory that participate in the National Single Window System.
  • The platform tied up with India Industrial Land Bank will host around 45 industrial parks in Jammu & Kashmir.
  • The National Single Window System will act as a “one-stop shop” for both governments that will provide support to the other schemes under it like Startup India, PLI scheme, etc.

2. PM Gati Shakti Programme

PM Gati Shakti Scheme is working to ensure the integrated planning and proper implementation of the infrastructure to cut down the logistics costs and the turnaround time at Indian ports to boost trade.

  • The scheme will develop around 17000 km of pipeline under the National Infrastructure Pipeline venture.
  • Under the Make In India initiative, the government aims to develop new 11 industrial corridors with 2 new defense corridors.
  • The venture will extend the 4G connectivity to all remote areas.

3. One-District-One-Product (ODOP)

‘One District One Product’ Scheme is another initiative of the Make In India scheme to provide financial and technical assistance to agriculture, horticulture, milk, and poultry sectors.

  • The state government is maintaining contact with every block to promote the products of the rural areas.
  • The initiative will help the farmers and micro-entrepreneurs to export agricultural products from the states.

4. Building Semiconductor Ecosystem Platform

The Make In India initiative will build a Semiconductor Ecosystem that will recognize the importance of semiconductors in the present economic landscape.

  • The Government has launched this scheme to build semiconductors to design and develop the ecosystem of the Semiconductor field in India.
  • The initiative aims to build India as a global hub for electronic design and manufacturing.

Important Schemes – Make In India

Except for the major initiatives, the Government has taken so many major schemes under the Make In India. Here are some important schemes as mentioned below:

Important Schemes – Make In India


Related Details

Skill India Scheme

The scheme aims to make 10 million people skilled in the various sectors that that fall under the Make In India initiative. This is important to increase the count of skilled workers.

Startup India Scheme

The core idea of the scheme is to build a friendly environment for new startups. It will help India to increase its economic growth with large-scalelarge-scale employment.

Digital India Scheme

The scheme helps to build a knowledge-based platform to build up a digitally empowered economy for India.

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) Scheme

The PMJDY scheme will ensure the affordability and accessibility to all financial services. It includes the services like banking & deposit, remittances, credit, insurance, and pension, etc.

Smart Cities Scheme

The core mission of the scheme is to transform and redevelop the Indian cities. The scheme also aims to develop 100 smart cities through other initiatives.

AMRUT Scheme

Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation scheme will concentrate on developing the remote and village areas of the country. The major goal is to provide basic public facilities in these locations to make them more sustainable.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Scheme

The mission of the scheme is to make India clean by promoting basic sanitation facilities. It will also convey the message to its citizens about maintaining hygiene.

Sagarmala Scheme

It is an ambitious project of India. The project will promote faster and hassle-free travel across the nation. The Sagarmala Development Company Limited will start the seaplane services after some days all over the nation.

International Solar Alliance (ISA) Scheme

International Solar Alliance is a joint venture project of a total of 121 countries. These countries falls completely or partly between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. To boost the renewable energy sector India adopted this venture.

AGNII Scheme

Accelerating the Growth of New India’s Innovation scheme will help to boost innovation by connecting brilliant minds to promote the commercializing of different innovations.

Aims and Objectives – Make In India

Here are the major aim and objectives of the Make In India initiative as mentioned below:

  • The major objective was to attract new foreign investment for new industrialization.
  • The initiative will develop and revive the existing industries to reduce the dependence on Chinese products.
  • Upgrade transportation, logistics, and industrial facilities.
  • Enhance workforce skills through vocational training programs.
  • Encourage R&D to foster technological advancements.
  • Grow diverse manufacturing industries.
  • Promote “Make in India” globally, showcasing national manufacturing capabilities.
  • Generate employment opportunities across various sectors.
  • Increase domestic production to reduce import dependency.

Advantages – Make In India

Here are the major advantages of the Make In India initiative:

  • The Make In India will generate so many employment opportunities.
  • The initiative will surely increase the GDP with proper economic growth.
  • The FDI inflows in the rupee will be increased more.
  • Small manufacturers will get a thrust for their business.
  • Investors from abroad can invest in small manufacturers.
  • The initiative will focus on the latest technologies in various fields.
  • India has moved up its ranks in the EoDB index for this initiative.


The Make in India campaign is a success for India. A major success is in the mobile phone manufacturing sector. This led to a solution of the import of completely built units by domestically assembled and manufactured units. Make In India is an initiative that aims to bridge the financial inclusion gap between the different sections of people. The initiative will facilitate investments, different skill developments, innovation, and intellectual property rights to achieve the different objectives of the scheme.

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FAQs – Make In India

What is the concept of Make in India?

Make In India is a global initiative that was launched by India. The aim was to enhance the business and skill development.

What are the 4 pillars of Make in India?

The 4 pillars of Make in India initiative are New Mindset, New Sectors, New Infrastructure, and New Processes.

Who introduced Make in India?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced Make in India.

What is the scope of Make in India?

The major objective was to attract new foreign investment for new industrialization. The initiative will develop and revive the existing industries to reduce the dependence on Chinese products.

What is the symbol of Make in India?

The logo of Make In India has been inspired by our Ashoka Chakra which is a Lion. The lion is a part of our national emblem. In Make In India logo, represents the strength of our manufacturing industries.