Make two numbers equal in at most K steps dividing by their factor

Given integers X, Y, and K, the task is to make X and Y equal in not more than K operations by applying the following operations:

  • Choose an integer A and make X = X/A, (where A is an integer that is greater than 1 and not equal to X).
  • Choose an integer A and make Y = Y/A, (where A is an integer that is greater than 1 and not equal to Y).


Input: X = 10, Y = 20, K = 4
Output: YES
Explanation: One optimal solution to make them equal is:
First choose A = 2 and do X = X/2 so now X is equal to 5.
Now choose A = 4 and do Y = Y/4 so now Y is equal to 5.
Since we have applied only two operations here which is less than K 
to make X and Y equal and also greater than one.
Therefore the answer is YES.

Input: X = 2, Y = 27, K = 1
Output: NO
Explanation: There is no possible way to make X and Y equal 
in less than or equal to 1 Operation.


Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

Here are only two cases possible:

  • When K is equal to one and 
  • When K is greater than 1

If K is equal to one then it is possible to make X and Y equal only when either X is divisible by Y or Y is divisible by X

If K is greater than 1 then X and Y can be equal and greater than 1 only when their GCD is greater than 1.

Follow the steps mentioned below to implement the idea:

  • Check if K = 1:
    • In that case, find out if any of them is a divisor of the other.
  • Otherwise, find the GCD of the numbers.
    • If the GCD is 1 then it is not possible.
    • Otherwise, an answer always exists.

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check the possibility of the answer
bool isPossible(int X, int Y, int K)
    // Case 1: when k=1
    if (K == 1) {
        if (X % Y == 0 || Y % X == 0)
            return true;
        return false;
    // Case 2: when k>1
    else {
        if (__gcd(X, Y) > 1)
            return true;
        return false;
    return false;
// Driver code
int main()
    int X = 10;
    int Y = 20;
    int K = 4;
    // Function call
    bool answer = isPossible(X, Y, K);
    if (answer)
        cout << "YES";
        cout << "NO";
    return 0;


// Java code to implement the approach
public class GFG {
   // Recursive function to return gcd of a and b
    static int gcd(int a, int b)
        // Everything divides 0
        if (a == 0)
          return b;
        if (b == 0)
          return a;
        // base case
        if (a == b)
            return a;
        // a is greater
        if (a > b)
            return gcd(a-b, b);
        return gcd(a, b-a);
    // Function to check the possibility of the answer
    static boolean isPossible(int X, int Y, int K)
        // Case 1: when k=1
        if (K == 1) {
            if (X % Y == 0 || Y % X == 0)
                return true;
            return false;
        // Case 2: when k>1
        else {
            if (gcd(X, Y) > 1)
                return true;
            return false;
    // Driver code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int X = 10;
        int Y = 20;
        int K = 4;
        // Function call
        boolean answer = isPossible(X, Y, K);
        if (answer == true)
// This code is contributed by AnkThon


# Python3 code to implement the approach
import math
# Function to check the possibility of the answer
def isPossible(X, Y, K):
    # Case 1: when k=1
    if (K == 1) :
        return (X % Y == 0 or Y % X == 0)
    # Case 2: when k>1
    else :
        return (math.gcd(X, Y) > 1)
    return False
# Driver code
X, Y, K = 10, 20, 4
# Function call
answer = isPossible(X, Y, K);
if (answer):
# This code is contributed by phasing17


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
public class GFG {
   // Recursive function to return gcd of a and b
    static int gcd(int a, int b)
        // Everything divides 0
        if (a == 0)
          return b;
        if (b == 0)
          return a;
        // base case
        if (a == b)
            return a;
        // a is greater
        if (a > b)
            return gcd(a-b, b);
        return gcd(a, b-a);
    // Function to check the possibility of the answer
    static bool isPossible(int X, int Y, int K)
        // Case 1: when k=1
        if (K == 1) {
            if (X % Y == 0 || Y % X == 0)
                return true;
            return false;
        // Case 2: when k>1
        else {
            if (gcd(X, Y) > 1)
                return true;
            return false;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main (string[] args)
        int X = 10;
        int Y = 20;
        int K = 4;
        // Function call
        bool answer = isPossible(X, Y, K);
        if (answer == true)
// This code is contributed by AnkThon


//Javascript code to implement the approach
function _gcd(a,b){
     return a;
     return _gcd(b,a%b);
// Function to check the possibility of the answer
function isPossible(X, Y, K)
    // Case 1: when k=1
    if (K == 1) {
        if (X % Y == 0 || Y % X == 0)
            return true;
        return false;
    // Case 2: when k>1
    else {
        if (_gcd(X, Y) > 1)
            return true;
        return false;
    return false;
// Driver code
    let X = 10;
    let Y = 20;
    let K = 4;
    // Function call
    let answer = isPossible(X, Y, K);
    if (answer)
        // This code is contributed by satwik4409.



Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)