MakeMyTrip Interview Experience for Intern+SDE | On-Campus 2022

Hello everyone, I am here to share my interview experience for Makemytrip.

So MakeMyTrip visited KIIT University on 22nd July 2022 for on-campus placement hiring for the role of Intern cum FTE. The Job location provided was Bangalore/Gurgaon. More than 2000 students from the School of Computer Engineering of KIIT applied.

Initial Screening done by Company(Resume Shortlisting): The round was Resume Shortlisting. Out of 2000+ students who applied, 191 got shortlisted for appearing in the Online Assessment conducted on HackerEarth.

Round 1(Online Assessment): 23rd July 2022

Platform – HackerEarth.

There were 22 questions – 2 Coding + 20 MCQs.

  • Coding questions –There were two moderate-level questions based on DP and trees. I solved both questions (passed all the test cases completely).
    • Longest Special Subsequences
    • Safe Paths
  • MCQ – 20 questions from CS subjects like DBMS, OS, CN, SQL, OOPs, some output-based questions, and some aptitude-type questions. (I solved almost all the questions correctly)

After this round, out of 191 students, 42 students were called for 1st round of interviews.

Round 2- Technical Interview(Interview Level 1): 26th July 2022

This was an interview taken by a Senior SDE of MakeMyTrip who has 3+ yrs of experience. The interview lasted for more than 60 mins.

  • The round started with the interviewer introducing himself and making me comfortable.
  • I started with my introduction like my academics, projects, and extra circular activities. I mentioned my hobby of content writing which has views of about 4 Lakhs+ and it clocks 10k views/month regularly.
  • He then asked about my pre-final year B.Tech projects and a few questions about the tech I used. I was giving my interview from my campus in Bhubaneswar. So he asked me about the weather out there and how is the placement seasons going on campus, which all companies are visiting out here. We chatted casually for 5 min and he made me comfortable.
  • I was then asked to share my screen and code questions. He asked me to code these 2 questions one after another:

While solving think out loud so that the interviewer gets to know your approach. Make it clear why you are solving it in that particular approach. I was asked to solve it in an optimized way as he told brute force approach was not needed and to solve it with the least Time Complexity.

Then he moved to core CS subjects like DBMS, OOPS, and OS. I was asked these questions:

  • Acid Properties in Detail
  • Normalization
  • Deadlock
  • Process task thread
  • How to make the system deadlock free?
  • 4 main concepts of OOPs
  • Time Complexity
  • Explain everything about OOPs in detail with examples

It went on for 1hr 10mins, and then he asked if I had any questions. I asked him if he has any feedback for me to which he responded positively and asked him about tech stacks used in MakeMyTrip. He explained everything in detail.

I answered maximum of the questions positively in the 1st round of interviews and I was called for 2nd round of interviews immediately. More than 50% of students out of 42 were called for 2nd round of Interviews.

Round 3-Managerial+Technical round(Interview Level 2): 27th July 2022

This was taken by the Director of Engineering at MakeMyTrip who has 16+ yrs of experience. This interview also lasted for more than 60 mins.

  • It again started with the interviewer introducing himself and me introducing myself. He was more interested in my hobby technical content writing and we chatted about that for 10 mins. I was made comfortable we chatted about my favourite places and some casual chitchat for the next 5 mins.
  • Then I was given a link to an online code IDE and I was asked to choose my preferred coding language. I chose Java and then I was provided with the question with inputs and outputs. I shared my screen and started coding.
  • He asked me to code these 2 questions one after another:
    • The Next greater Element for an element x is the first greater element on the right side of x in the array. For elements for which no greater element exist, consider the next greater element as -1.
    • I can’t recall the 2nd problem but it was based on arrays and merge sort.
  • He moved on to the core CS subjects and asked about OOPs, then OS, and DBMS. I revised the important concepts beforehand and therefore was able to answer all the questions. I was asked about the features of OOPS, acid properties, and deadlock.
  • It went on for 1hr 10mins, and then he asked if I had any questions, I asked him what excites him about MMT as he is associated with it for more than 15 years. He explained to me his role and day-to-day life at MMT.

There were no more rounds and calls from HR. The HR team informed the T&P cell about the selected candidates and luckily I was one of them. Finally, 5 of them got selected from our college.


  • All the rounds were of medium to easy level. If you are working on your problem-solving skills, do all the most popular questions, and have a good grasp of DSA and CS subjects. Then you can easily crack the interviews.
  • You need to be confident during the interview and try to ask for hints if stuck somewhere.
  • Think aloud during problem-solving.

All the best for your placements and interviews!!