MakeMyTrip Interview Experience For Software Engineer 1(On-Campus)

MakeMyTrip visited NIT Jamshedpur on 16th Sep 2023 for on-campus hiring for the Software Engineer role. The selection process consisted of 3 rounds, first the online assessment and then the technical and managerial interview.

Round 1(Online Assessment):

Platform – HackerEarth.

There were 22 questions – 20 MCQs and 2 Coding.

  • Coding Questions – There were two easy to moderate-level questions based on Binary Search and DP.
    • Telephone Connections – Telephone connections | Practice Problems (
    • Maximum Separation – This problem was similar to the problem Aggressive Cows | Practice | w3wiki
  • MCQ – 20 questions from CS subjects like DBMS, OS, CN, SQL, OOPs, some output-based questions, and some aptitude-type questions.

After this round, 20 candidates were shortlisted for the interview process.

Round 2(Technical Interview):

  • This interview was taken by the Technical Lead at MakeMyTrip who had 8+ years of experience. The interview lasted for around 60 minutes.
  • The round started with the interviewer introducing himself and asked me to introduce myself.
  • He gave me 2 questions to code in this round:
    • Given a Singly Linked List, the task is to reverse the elements of the given Singly Linked List in alternate groups of K nodes (basically reversing first k elements and then leaving next k as it is then reversing next k and go on) Reverse alternate groups of K nodes in a Singly Linked List (
    • Implement Stack using Queue.

8 candidates were shortlisted for the next round.

Round 3(Managerial Interview):

  • This interview was taken by the Senior Engineering Manager at MakeMyTrip who had 12+ years of experience. The interview lasted for around 60 mins.
  • The interviewer was very friendly and asked me to introduce myself. He made me comfortable with some casual chit-chat. Then asked me to explain my projects thoroughly, and also asked some questions related to that. As my projects were related to Blockchain, he asked me to write code to create a class in solidity.
  • After this he gave me a DSA question to solve – Next Greater Element (NGE) for every element in given Array – w3wiki.
  • Then asked about time and space complexity of map data structure and then asked all the OOPs concepts in depth.

There were no more rounds. Finally, 2 candidates were selected, and I was one of them.