Making a QR code for a website

What are QR codes? 
QR Codes,which stand for “quick response” codes, are little black and white squiggly barcodes that usually look something like this: 

They are often found on direct mail, signage, billboards and in commercials. 
These were originally designed in Japan for the automotive industry, marketers adopted the barcodes because of their large storage capacity and ability to translate additional information to consumers beyond what creative and/or packaging could convey. If a consumer sees a QR code somewhere, they can take out their mobile device, open up a QR code scanner, and “scan” the barcode to gain access to additional information. 

How to create a QR Code for a website 

  1. Selecting a QR Code Generator: 
    There are a lot of QR code generators available online, but a few of the post popular include Kaywa,, Visualead, and QR Stuff. Some things to look for when choosing a QR code generator are whether you can track and analyze performance, if it allows you to design a code that’s unique to your brand, and if it is compatible with common QR code readers.
  2. Design and linking the website with the QR Code: 
    In this article, is used for generating the QR Code. 


  •   Select what type of content you want your QR code to represent — we’ll choose a URL for this article.

  • Insert the content URL. 

  • Check out the preview, customize as desired and then download or embed where needed. 

  • Test the QR Code using a QR Code scanner app.

QR Code Do’s:

  1. Put QR codes in places where scanning is easy, and there’s enough time for the consumer to actually scan the code.
  2. Do mobile optimize the page to which you’re sending people. Consumers will be on their phone when scanning the QR code, so they should be brought to a page with a positive mobile experience.

QR Code don’ts: 

  1. Don’t require a special QR code scanner.The QR code should be app-agnostic so that anyone can scan the code with any reader.