Malaysia Famous Food

Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country separated into two regions by the South China Sea. The country shares a land/water border with Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Singapore. Malaysian cuisine is essentially the Malay manner of preparing diverse meals from India, China, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The term “Malay” means “mountains.” Arab, British, Dutch, and Portuguese cuisines have all had an impact on Malaysian food. Malaysians are of three origins: Indian, Chinese, and Malay, and their flavor profile are entirely dependent on the amount of sugar, salt, and spices they use to suit their taste. In different parts of Malaysia, the same food may taste quite different.

Some of Malaysia’s traditional dishes are:

1. Nasi Lemak

Nasi Lemak is famous for its distinctive rice cooking method. Coconut water is used to boil the rice. It is served with a variety of side dishes, including boiled eggs, roasted peanuts, meats, and the most popular strong chili sauce known as sambal. It is also recognized as Malaysia’s unofficial national dish.

2. Laksa

Laksa is a thick soup that is particularly popular in Malaysia. One of the most popular ingredients used to thicken soup is coconut milk. Laksa is made with various ingredients according to the region and preferences. The most common broth(laksa) is fish, chicken, or prawns. For garnish, fresh coriander leaves are sprinkled over the top.

3. Banana Leaf Meal

It is a vegetarian dish with a South Indian twist that is served on a banana leaf. It includes rice, vegetable curries, vegetable salad, and savory pickles. Although meat curries can be ordered, the traditional way to consume them is vegetarian. Locals and those who have tasted it claim that the banana leaf adds an aroma to the dish that is not found on regular plates.

4. Roti Chanai

Roti Chanai is a flatbread that is deep fried in clarified butter or butter. The dough is made using flour, butter, water, and an egg (optional). Following preparation, the dough is stretched and allowed to settle. Following that, small dough balls are flattened into thin sheets, folded numerous times to create a layered structure, and then deep fried into clarified butter. A crisp flaky bread is thus best served with chicken curry.

5. Ikan Bakar

It really is just grilled fish. Fish is marinated in spices and sambal before being barbecued over charcoal. The unique aspect of grilling is that the fish are not directly roasted over charcoal but are instead stored on banana leaves and subsequently grilled. It should be emphasized that banana leaves play an essential role in Malaysian cuisine.

6. Nasi Kandar

It should be obvious by now that wherever the word Nasi appears, rice is included. Nasi Kandar is a simple rice dish served with Indian-style curries, which can be mutton or chicken. As a side dish, flatbreads or Roti might be served. Sometimes it’s just the rice, and you may have a variety of curries to choose from to top your rice with.

7. Hokkien Mee

This dish originated in China and is one of Malaysia’s most well-known dishes. Thick yellow fried noodles with fish, pork, squid, and cabbage cooked in soy sauce. Following preparations, the noodles are topped with crispy pig lards.

8. Murtabak

Murtabak is a fried bread that has been folded and stuffed with garlic, onion, egg, and minced meat, mutton, or chicken. It goes well with spicy sauce, groundnut sauce, and cucumber slices. It is really a snack, yet it is substantial enough to be classified as a meal.

9. Nasi Kerabu

It’s a light blue rice dish topped with sprout beans and fried coconut and served with fermented fish sauce. The Telang flower in the rice gives it a bluish tint. It originated from Kelantan state in Northern Malaysia and is not incorrect to term it a marine dish, as it is highly popular in Malaysia’s northern peninsular area.

10. Satay

Satay is just grilled meat on a stick. It has a unique yellow color since the meat is mainly marinated with turmeric paste and other spices. It goes great with traditional peanut sauce or other sauces. 

If you enjoy spicy food and want to sample some delicious seafood, you should certainly visit Malaysia and try these delicacies.