Marriage System in Ancient Era

Following we are presenting the topic “Marriage System in Ancient Era”. In every exam of the Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level, questions were asked about these topics. So it is important for all the candidates who are preparing for these exams. These topics may also help in State Commission’s Exams and Banking Exams.

Brief Description of Marriage System-

  • In ancient India, marriage was considered a religious act and the most important sacrament.
  • Four purposes of marriage have been mentioned in Manusmriti –

    1- Progeny
    2- Religious work and sacrificial rituals
    3- Fulfillment of desire
    4- Freedom from parental debt

  • According to Manusmriti, the son is the giver of salvation to the father.
  • Sagotra, Sapinda and Sapravar marriages have been prohibited in ancient scriptures and Smritis.
  • In the Maurya period, the age of marriage for a boy was 16 years and that of a girl was 12 years.
  • Smritis, Dharmashastras and Kautilya have mentioned 8 types of marriages in Arthashastra. The mention of these 8 marriages is given below.
  • Out of the following eight types of marriages, the first four marriages Brahma, Daiva, Arsha and Prajapatya are considered scriptural.
  • Therefore, in all these, divorce was not allowed. 
  • Whereas in the remaining four marriages Asura, Gandharva, Rakshasa and Paishacha, divorce was allowed.


      Marriage Name                                       Related Facts
Brahma Marriage                                 This was the best type of marriage in those times.
In this type of marriage, the father of the girl called the groom to his house and handed over his daughter to the groom by law 
Most of the marriages in modern times in India take place by this method. 
This marriage was the most popular
Daiva Marriage  In this marriage, the father of the girl used to organize a Yagya. 
The girl was married to the priest who performed the rituals of the yagya properly.
Aarsh Marriage  In this type of marriage, the father of the girl used to marry the girl with the groom by taking a pair of cows and a bull from the groom’s side for religious work
Prajapatya Marriage Under this marriage, the bride and groom used to get married following the practice of religion. 
Under this marriage, the father of the girl performed social and religious duties while providing the girl to the groom
Asura Marriage It was a kind of sales marriage.
In this marriage, the girl’s father or her relatives used to marry with money from the groom’s side
Gandharva marriage It was a kind of love marriage. 
The parents of both parties were not aware of this. 
Svayamvara marriage was a form of Gandharva marriage
Rakshasa Marriage Under this marriage, the girl was abducted by force and married to the groom.
This marriage was more recognized among the Kshatriyas. 
This marriage is called “Kshatra Dharma” in Mahabharata
Paishacha Marriage It was the worst form of marriage.
Under this, marriage was done by forcing and raping the girl