Mastercard Interview Experience for Java Backend Developer (2 Years Experienced)

Round 1 Technical (1 hour):

  • What is Hibernate and how does it work?
  • Why procedures and functions written in SQL are faster than functions written in java for the same task.
  • What is the difference between interfaces and abstract classes?
  • What is SpringBoot? And why it is preferred over Spring MVC.
  • Why is Java faster than Python?
  • What is polymorphism? Can we overload the main class?
  • What are Cursor and Trigger? When to use trigger?
  • Explain the architecture of your full stack project(It was a Customer Relationship Management Website) and the most recent work that you’re working on.
  • Write a recursive and iterative approach to printing the Fibonacci series.
  • Given a linked list and we want the nth element from the end. What will be your approach?

Round 2 Technical ( 1 hour 15 minutes):

  • What are the classes?
  • What are interfaces and abstract classes? From java 8 we can have default and static methods in Java 8 then what’s the basic difference between both?
  • Can you use abstract classes in place of interfaces or will it throw any compilation error?
  • When to use abstract class and when to use interfaces. What factors will you consider to decide?
  • What is polymorphism? Explain JVM’s role in Dynamic Polymorphism.
  • How rows are stored in Databases. At which physical location it is stored? And how they’re inter-relating with each other.
  • Why the size of the array is fixed? Think from the perspective of JVM. And state JVM’s role in it. What needs to be changed to make the array dynamic?
  • Which object-oriented concepts are supporting polymorphism and how?
  • He was asking about my interest. I told him I’m currently improving on my data structure skills. Then he asked “According to you, How leetcode works? If you have to develop a coding platform what will be your approach”
  • As you’ve said you’re improving data structure let’s see how much you improved. Define Mountain class and use its object. Find the 3rd largest mountain in the given array and return its object. (Mountain -> First increases and then decreases after peak). Time Complexity analysis.
I/p: 1,2,1,2,3,4,5,3,2,4,6,8,9,10,9,8,7,10,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,10,5,2
Output:  2 8 6   ->(Start Index, End Index, Width of Mountain)

Round 3 (Technical+Managerial) (1 hour 15 minutes):

  • What is SSL? What is an SSL certificate?
  • What is HTTP protocol and why it is used for communication between server and client?
  • Difference between REST and SOAP. Why REST is preferred over SOAP.
  • Why REST is faster than SOAP.
  • What do you use for logging? How do you configure it?
  • What is AWS EC2 instance and how to deploy jar in it?
  • Difference between SQL and NoSQL. And how to decide when to use SQL or NoSQL,
  • We have an employee table with attributes: first name, Lastname, and embed. Two admin want to change employees with the same id at the same time.
  • How you will handle the scenario and what will be your approach? A proper error message needs to be printed.
  • What is the complex problem that you solved and you’re proud of?
  • Implementation of HashTable and HashMap. Where data is being stored (in RAM or hard disk)
  • What is Java Thread Pool? How it works.
  • What are your 3 weak and 3 strong points?
  • How will you explain microservices to an 8-year-old kid?
  • Why Mastercard?
  • Suppose you have a great idea for the project you’re working on. But most of the team members and management opposes your idea. How will your respond?
  • What is the quality of a good team member? How do you rate yourself as a team member on a scale of 10?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 and 10 years?

Round 4 (HR Discussion):

  • Why Mastercard? What do you know about MasterCard?
  • Are you ready to relocate to Pune?
  • Then benefits and salary discussion.

Result: Selected ?