Mastercard Interview Experience for SDE Summer Intern

Mastercard came to our campus this August (2023). There were a total of 4 Rounds, a Coding Round followed by 2 Technical + HR common Interview Round.

Round 1:

Two coding questions (Time allotted: 1hr)

Both problems were based on string-One is based on finding the rotation of a string and the other was string integer conversion.

40/190 students were shortlisted for the later round.

Round 2:

Technical 1:

So Interview asked me to introduce myself . Then he asked me for what purpose I use GitHub and linked. Then he asked what other fields interest me,so I replied cyber security based on which he asked me to differentiate between privacy and security(hard to frame it).

And then switched to the Technical part, starting with the language I preferred C++.


He asked me about strings in Java (mutable or not string pool, methods, the difference between string/StringBuffer, etc)

Project discussion

Explain your projects, what concepts and technologies were used

OOPs, questions-

  1. polymorphism
  2. Difference between encapsulation and abstraction and its real-life example
  3. Inheritance
  4. Construct inheritance for school

DBMS questions- easy/medium SQL queries

DSA Questions:

  1. Circular linked list and its implementation
  2. Difference between stack and heap.
  3. Reverse a linked list
  4. Types of memory
  5. Who founded c
  6. difference between c and C++

HR Round 

  1. Asked normal questions
  2. Situation – If you have your marriage, a deadline, and have to go to USA,how will you manage
  3. CEO of Mastercard
  4. My favorite subjects and past experience


  1. Be calm and don’t rush
  2. Explain things using the diagram
  3. Speak confidently