MathWorks Interview Experience for Internship (On-Campus)

MathWorks visited our college for summer internship 2021. Students from CSE/ECE/EE with CGPA>=7 were eligible to give the online test. 

Round 1: It consisted of 12 MCQ questions and 2 coding questions and a duration of 60 minutes. The test was conducted on HackerRank. The MCQ questions mainly focussed on time complexities, data structures, and OOPS concepts with an easy to medium level of difficulty. We were asked to choose 2  different languages (C/C++/Java) for the two coding questions. The questions were as follows:

  • Given an array S, generate two subsets A and B such that the intersection of A and B is an empty set and their union gives the original array S. In addition, the sum of elements of A has to be greater than the sum of elements of B and number of elements in A is minimum. Return the sorted array A. If multiple such A’s are possible, return the sorted set A that has a maximal sum.
    Input : n=5
        3 7 5 6 2
    Output: 6 7

    Explanation: One possibility is A=[5,7] and B=[3,6,2].     Another possibility is A=[6,7] and B=[2,3,5].         Since the sum of A is maximum in the second case, return the array [6,7].

  • The minimum number of moves to make all array elements equal.

The shortlisted students were called for the interview rounds the next day. The interviews were held on MS Teams. There were two rounds(Managerial and HR rounds) and the order of rounds can be different for each candidate.

Round 2 (HR Round):

  • I was asked to start with my introduction and then I was asked the standard HR questions and a few questions on my projects.
  • This was for around 30 minutes.

Round 3 (Managerial Round):

  • There were many questions like how I can be a good team player, etc and for each question, the interviewer expected me to support it with real-life instances. I was not prepared in advance about any of these questions but I answered them very genuinely. (It is advisable to be prepared well in advance for such questions but even if you’re not, be confident and answer them genuinely).
  • I was asked in detail about the projects that I had and the challenges I faced.
  • This round went on for more than 30 minutes.

Tips : 

  • Be confident during the interviews.
  • Refer to GFG interview experiences which will be super helpful if you are sitting for any interviews.
  • Be calm and even if you are rejected, learn from your mistakes, and most importantly, never give up.