Maveric Systems Interview Experience for Software Engineer


Hello Beginner,

In this article, I am going to share my entire interview experience with Maveric Systems. So, stay tuned for the entire process.

Initial Shortlisting

It was a pool campus placement opportunity. First of all, all the students from different branches of our college applied for the position. Then, based on the resume, further shortlisting was done. This entire process of initial shortlisting took less than 2 days, and we got a list of students who are eligible for the drive.

Eligibility Criteria

This was the eligibility criteria for the drive:

  1. Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  2. Ability to think out of the box.
  3. Problem-solving skills.
  4. Inclination to learn and keep up with a fast-moving environment.
  5. Attention to detail.
  6. BE CS/IT (60 % in 10th, 12th, and degree).
  7. All the rounds in the process were elimination rounds.

Round 1: Aptitude Test

This was an online round. This test consisted of 4 sections with 15 questions each:

  • Section 1: Aptitude questions (Basic aptitude questions like work, time, etc.)
  • Section 2: English Vocabulary (Basic English synonyms-opposite words, questions based on paragraphs, grammar questions.)
  • Section 3: Java MCQ (Basic input-output-based questions, questions based on OOPS, java features, etc.)
  • Section 4: Database and cloud (Question based on various databases mainly MySQL, Questions on cloud technologies).

We got the result of the 1st round in 2 days. I got selected for the further process. The next entire process carried out in offline mode on our college campus. The students who were selected in the 1st round were invited for the further process, which was going to be held in a single day. In the morning, around 10 AM, they gave a pre-placement talk to all the students and explained about the next rounds going to happen on that day. The job role was not fixed as they were going to decide the job role based on individual’s performance.

Round 2: Group Discussion

The next round was Group Discussion. This was the most exciting round because they used a different approach than the traditional approach to judge the communication and presentation skills of students. They gave us a newspaper and told us to take any news from your favorite domain read it carefully and discuss that in a group as you are telling some interesting news in your friend circle. Fortunately, I found a tech-related news of Microsoft establishing a research center in farms to research on the soil and its impact on the crop yield. As I was both from the technical domain by education and agriculture domain by living so I was able to convey the information in news properly. As a result, I got selected for the next round. Out of 10 students in a group, 5 were selected for the next round. The selection criteria were 50%.

Round 3: Technical Interview

The 3rd round was the technical round. It was the first time I was giving the technical round and was a little bit nervous. But as I entered the interview room, the interviewer made me comfortable first and then started to ask basic questions.

Questions asked:

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Programming language you are comfortable with. (I said Java)
  3. Basic Questions Based on Java (Features of Java, Exception handling, concept of pointers, Memory management in java, etc.)
  4. OOPS Questions.
  5. Program to swap two variables without using a 3rd variable.
  6. Basic SQL Queries.
  7. Main focus was the academic projects mentioned in the resume and the internship project/work.

The overall difficulty of the round was easy to moderate. As I was able to answer most of the questions I got selected for the final round.

Round 4: HR Interview

This was the managerial round.

Questions asked:

  1. Personal Introduction.
  2. Family background.
  3. Why did you join this college?
  4. Why do you want to join our company?
  5. Are you okay with the job location? (As the job location was Chennai and I’m from Pune)
  6. Your achievements in the entire academics.
  7. What is the important thing you remembered from the morning’s preplacement talk about Maveric system?
  8. What are your long-term goals and what are Maveric system’s goals (As they told this during PPT)? And how will your goal align with the company’s goal?

Mistakes and Lessons Learned

The mistake I made in this round is, I took this round very casually because I thought I already got selected and this round was just for formality. But I was entirely wrong. When the final list of selected students was declared, I wasn’t one of them.

  • Each and every round in the interview process is very important whether it’s technical or HR. Give your 100% in the interview.
  • Ask questions if you are confused or didn’t get anything.
  • Make sure that you know each and every word you mentioned in your resume. The resume is the representation of your entire 4-year educational journey.
  • Even a single mistake or false information can eliminate you as there is always a person waiting to take that position.


This was the entire process of Maveric systems. I learned a lot of important things that day which will be helpful for me in my entire career. Thank you, Beginner, for reading my experience. I hope you got a clear idea about the interview process of Maveric systems, and you will definitely learn from my mistakes.

Thank You!