Maximize the coins using K moves

Given an integer N, the task is to maximize the coins which we can collect using K moves. In one move, we can perform one of the following operations:

  • Type 1: Add N coins to our collection (N remains unchanged).
  • Type 2: Add X to N, where X is the last digit of N.


Input: N = 1, K = 3
Output: 4
Explanation: The following operations are performed to maximize the number of coins collected.

  • Perform Type 1 operation, N = 1 + 1 = 2
  • Perform Type 1 operation N = 2 + 2 = 4
  • Perform Type 2 operation, add N = 4 coins to our collection, total coins collected = 4

Input: N = 11, K = 3
Output: 33
Explanation: The following operations are performed to maximize the number of coins.

  • Perform Type 2 operation, add N = 11 coins to our collection, total coins collected = 11.
  • Perform Type 2 operation, add N = 11 coins to our collection, total coins collected = 22.
  • Perform Type 2 operation, add N = 11 coins to our collection, total coins collected = 33.


The solution is based on the greedy observation. So, the optimal strategy is to add bonuses first and then get the discount. This is because the more bonuses you have, the larger the discount you can get. if we keep performing operation 2, the last digit of s will cycle through the digits 2, 4, 8, 6. This leads to the formula for the answer:


Here’s a simpler explanation of above formula:

  • We start with a number s.
  • Each time you perform operation 2, the last digit of s changes. If we keep performing operation 2, the last digit of s will cycle through the digits 2, 4, 8, 6.
  • Each complete cycle through 2, 4, 8, 6 adds 20 to s (since 2+4+8+6 = 20).
  • x represents the number of complete cycles.
  • So, (s + 20x) gives us the total number of bonuses after x complete cycles.
  • We can perform a total of k operations. If we use 4x operations for the cycles (since each cycle consists of 4 operations), we have (k – 4x) operations left.
  • These remaining operations are used to add the total number of bonuses to the answer. So, (s + 20x) * (k – 4x) gives us the maximum possible value of the answer.

This is a parabolic equation, and its maximum can be found using the formula for the vertex of a parabola or by ternary search. The bisector of the parabola is (5k-s)/40. we can calculate the answer for each case where the last digit is 2, 4, 8, 6, and take the maximum value.


  • If the last digit of s is 5, you can perform operation 2 at most once.
  • If the last digit of s is an odd number, you need to perform operation 2 once before you can enter the cycle.

Step-by-step approach:

  • Declare variables lowerBound, upperBound, temp, and result.
  • Initialize result to the product of numCoins and numMoves.
  • Add the remainder when numCoins is divided by 10 to numCoins.
  • Decrement numMoves.
  • Update result with the maximum of the current result and the product of numCoins and numMoves.
  • Check if numCoins is not divisible by 10.
  • Calculate lowerBound as -1 and upperBound as numMoves / 4.
  • Use binary search to find the optimal number of cycles.
  • Update temp with the optimal number of cycles.
  • Update result with the maximum of the current result and the product of (numCoins + temp * 20) and (numMoves – temp * 4).
  • Add the remainder when numCoins is divided by 10 to numCoins.
  • Decrement numMoves.
  • Return the final value of result.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to return the maximum of two numbers
long long max(long long a, long long b)
    return a > b ? a : b;
int solve(int numCoins, int numMoves)
    long long lowerBound, upperBound, temp, result;
    // Variable to store the remainder when the number of
    // coins is divided by 10
    int remainder;
    // Initialize the result to the product of the number of
    // coins and moves
    result = numCoins * numMoves;
    // Add the remainder when the number of coins is divided
    // by 10 to the number of coins
    numCoins += numCoins % 10;
    // Decrement the number of moves
    // Update the result with the maximum of the current
    // result and the product of the number of coins and
    // moves
    result = max(result, numCoins * numMoves);
    // If the number of coins is not divisible by 10
    if (numCoins % 10 != 0) {
        // Calculate the lower and upper bounds for the
        // number of cycles
        lowerBound = -1, upperBound = numMoves / 4;
        // Use binary search to find the optimal number of
        // cycles
        while (upperBound - lowerBound > 1) {
            temp = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2;
            if ((numCoins + temp * 20)
                    * (numMoves - temp * 4)
                < (numCoins + (temp + 1) * 20)
                    * (numMoves - (temp + 1) * 4))
                lowerBound = temp;
                upperBound = temp;
        // Calculate the optimal number of cycles
        temp = upperBound;
        // Update the result with the maximum of the current
        // result and the product of the number of coins
        // plus 20 times the number of cycles and the number
        // of moves minus 4 times the number of cycles
        result = max(result, (numCoins + temp * 20)
                                * (numMoves - temp * 4));
        // Add the remainder when the number of coins is
        // divided by 10 to the number of coins
        numCoins += numCoins % 10;
        // Decrement the number of moves
    // Print the result
    return result;
int main()
    // Variables to store the number of coins, moves, and
    // the result
    long long n = 1, k = 3;
    cout << solve(n, k);
    return 0;


// Java code to implement the approach
class GFG {
    static long solve(long numCoins, long numMoves)
        long lowerBound, upperBound, temp, result;
        // Variable to store the remainder when the number
        // of coins is divided by 10
        long remainder;
        // Initialize the result to the product of the
        // number of coins and moves
        result = numCoins * numMoves;
        // Add the remainder when the number of coins is
        // divided by 10 to the number of coins
        numCoins += numCoins % 10;
        // Decrement the number of moves
        // Update the result with the maximum of the current
        // result and the product of the number of coins and
        // moves
        result = Math.max(result, numCoins * numMoves);
        // If the number of coins is not divisible by 10
        if (numCoins % 10 != 0) {
            // Calculate the lower and upper bounds for the
            // number of cycles
            lowerBound = -1;
            upperBound = numMoves / 4;
            // Use binary search to find the optimal number
            // of cycles
            while (upperBound - lowerBound > 1) {
                temp = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2;
                if ((numCoins + temp * 20)
                        * (numMoves - temp * 4)
                    < (numCoins + (temp + 1) * 20)
                          * (numMoves - (temp + 1) * 4))
                    lowerBound = temp;
                    upperBound = temp;
            // Calculate the optimal number of cycles
            temp = upperBound;
            // Update the result with the maximum of the
            // current result and the product of the number
            // of coins plus 20 times the number of cycles
            // and the number of moves minus 4 times the
            // number of cycles
            result = Math.max(result,
                              (numCoins + temp * 20)
                                  * (numMoves - temp * 4));
            // Add the remainder when the number of coins is
            // divided by 10 to the number of coins
            numCoins += numCoins % 10;
            // Decrement the number of moves
        // Print the result
        return result;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Variables to store the number of coins, moves,
        // and the result
        long n = 1, k = 3;
        System.out.println(solve(n, k));
// This code is contributed by ragul21


def solve(numCoins, numMoves):
    # Initialize the result to the product of the number of coins and moves
    result = numCoins * numMoves
    # Add the remainder when the number of coins is divided by 10 to the number of coins
    numCoins += numCoins % 10
    # Decrement the number of moves
    numMoves -= 1
    # Update the result with the maximum of the current result and the product of the number of coins and moves
    result = max(result, numCoins * numMoves)
    # If the number of coins is not divisible by 10
    if numCoins % 10 != 0:
        # Calculate the lower and upper bounds for the number of cycles
        lowerBound = -1
        upperBound = numMoves // 4
        # Use binary search to find the optimal number of cycles
        while upperBound - lowerBound > 1:
            temp = (lowerBound + upperBound) // 2
            if (numCoins + temp * 20) * (numMoves - temp * 4) < (numCoins + (temp + 1) * 20) * (numMoves - (temp + 1) * 4):
                lowerBound = temp
                upperBound = temp
        # Calculate the optimal number of cycles
        temp = upperBound
        # Update the result with the maximum of the current result and the product of the number
        # of coins plus 20 times the number of cycles and the number of moves minus 4 times the number of cycles
        result = max(result, (numCoins + temp * 20) * (numMoves - temp * 4))
        # Add the remainder when the number of coins is divided by 10 to the number of coins
        numCoins += numCoins % 10
        # Decrement the number of moves
        numMoves -= 1
    # Print the result
    return result
# Variables to store the number of coins, moves, and the result
n, k = 1, 3
print(solve(n, k))
# This code is contributed by rohit singh


using System;
public class Program
    // Function to return the maximum of two numbers
    public static long Max(long a, long b)
        return a > b ? a : b;
    public static int Solve(int numCoins, int numMoves)
        long lowerBound, upperBound, temp, result;
        // Initialize the result to the product of the number of
        // coins and moves
        result = numCoins * numMoves;
        // Add the remainder when the number of coins is divided
        // by 10 to the number of coins
        numCoins += numCoins % 10;
        // Decrement the number of moves
        // Update the result with the maximum of the current
        // result and the product of the number of coins and
        // moves
        result = Max(result, numCoins * numMoves);
        // If the number of coins is not divisible by 10
        if (numCoins % 10 != 0)
            // Calculate the lower and upper bounds for the
            // number of cycles
            lowerBound = -1;
            upperBound = numMoves / 4;
            // Use binary search to find the optimal number of
            // cycles
            while (upperBound - lowerBound > 1)
                temp = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2;
                if ((numCoins + temp * 20) * (numMoves - temp * 4) < (numCoins + (temp + 1) * 20) * (numMoves - (temp + 1) * 4))
                    lowerBound = temp;
                    upperBound = temp;
            // Calculate the optimal number of cycles
            temp = upperBound;
            // Update the result with the maximum of the current
            // result and the product of the number of coins
            // plus 20 times the number of cycles and the number
            // of moves minus 4 times the number of cycles
            result = Max(result, (numCoins + temp * 20) * (numMoves - temp * 4));
            // Add the remainder when the number of coins is
            // divided by 10 to the number of coins
            numCoins += numCoins % 10;
            // Decrement the number of moves
        // Return the result
        return (int)result;
    public static void Main()
        // Variables to store the number of coins, moves, and
        // the result
        long n = 1, k = 3;
        Console.WriteLine(Solve((int)n, (int)k));


// JavaScript Implementation
// Function to solve the problem
function solve(numCoins, numMoves) {
  // Initialize variables for bounds, temporary values, and result
  let lowerBound, upperBound, temp, result;
  // Variable to store the remainder when the number of coins is divided by 10
  let remainder;
  // Initialize result with the product of numCoins and numMoves
  result = numCoins * numMoves;
  // Adjust numCoins by adding its remainder when divided by 10
  numCoins += numCoins % 10;
  // Decrement numMoves
  // Update result with the maximum of the current result and the product of numCoins and numMoves
  result = Math.max(result, numCoins * numMoves);
  // Check if numCoins is not divisible by 10
  if (numCoins % 10 !== 0) {
    // Initialize lowerBound to -1 and upperBound to the floor of numMoves divided by 4
    lowerBound = -1;
    upperBound = Math.floor(numMoves / 4);
    // Use binary search to find the optimal number of cycles
    while (upperBound - lowerBound > 1) {
      temp = Math.floor((lowerBound + upperBound) / 2);
      if ((numCoins + temp * 20) * (numMoves - temp * 4) < (numCoins + (temp + 1) * 20) * (numMoves - (temp + 1) * 4)) {
        lowerBound = temp;
      } else {
        upperBound = temp;
    // Calculate the optimal number of cycles
    temp = upperBound;
    // Update result with the maximum of the current result and the product of numCoins plus 20 times the number of cycles and the number of moves minus 4 times the number of cycles
    result = Math.max(result, (numCoins + temp * 20) * (numMoves - temp * 4));
    // Add the remainder when the number of coins is divided by 10 to numCoins
    numCoins += numCoins % 10;
    // Decrement numMoves
  // Return the result
  return result;
// Main function
const n = 1;
const k = 3;
// Output the result of calling the solve function with n and k as arguments
console.log(solve(n, k));
// This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdu420)



Time Complexity: O(log k) due to the binary search.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)