Maximize the Number of People That Can Be Caught in Tag

You are playing a game of tag with your friends. In tag, people are divided into two teams: people who are “it”, and people who are not “it”. Given an array of 0s and 1s, where 0s are people not “it” and 1s are people who are “it“. A person who is “it” at index i can catch any one person whose index is in the range [i - dist, i + dist] (inclusive) and is not “it”. The task is to find maximum number of people that the people who are “it” can catch.


Input: team = {0,1,0,1,0}, dist = 3
Output: 2

  • The person who is “it” at index 1 can catch people in the range [i-dist, i+dist] = [1-3, 1+3] = [-2, 4].
  • They can catch the person who is not “it” at index 2.
  • The person who is “it” at index 3 can catch people in the range [i-dist, i+dist] = [3-3, 3+3] = [0, 6].
  • They can catch the person who is not “it” at index 0.
  • The person who is not “it” at index 4 will not be caught because the people at indices 1 and 3 are already catching one person but the answer should be 3.

Input: team = {1}, dist = 1
Output: 0
Explanation: There are no people who are not “it” to catch.


1. If we count the number of 1s and 0s in given team as ones and zeros, the answer cannot exceed ones, since each person “it” can catch at most 1 other person.

For example:

  • team = [0,1,1,1], dist = 1 -> answer = 1
  • team = [1,0,0,1,0,1], dist = 1 -> answer = 3

2. When there are reachable 0s for a person, we want to catch as far left as possible. So as to maximize opportunity for 1s to its rightside.

For example:

  • team = [0,1,0,1] dist = 1
  • if team[1] catch team[2], team[3] won’t be able to catch any person.
  • if team[1] catch team[0], team[3] can catch team[2] [1,0,0,0,1,1] dist = 2
  • if team[0] catch team[2], team[4] can only catch team[3], and answer is 2.

3. Apply two pointers. Whenever we meet 1, scan reachable range, following previous position after the 0, for the first 0.

Steps-by-step approach:

  • Initialize variables teamSize: Get the size of the team and peopleCaught: Initialize the count of people caught to 0.
  • Iterate over the team using a loop.
    • Initialize two iterators: itPerson and nonItPerson.
    • Iterate nonItPerson until it reaches the end of the team.
    • Inside the loop:
      • Check if the person is “it” (team[nonItPerson] == 1).
      • Adjust the iterator itPerson to ensure it doesn’t go beyond the team size and within the catchable range (itPerson = max(itPerson, nonItPerson – dist)).
      • Determine the last person the “it” person can catch (lastCatchablePerson).
      • Try to catch a person within the catchable range using a while loop.
        • If the person is not “it“, catch them and break the loop.
  • Return the total number of people caught.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int maxPeopleCaught(vector<int>& team, int dist)
    // Get the size of the team
    int teamSize = team.size();

    // Initialize the count of people caught to 0
    int peopleCaught = 0;

    // Iterate over the team
    for (int itPerson = 0, nonItPerson = 0;
         nonItPerson < teamSize; nonItPerson++) {

        // If the person is "it"
        if (team[nonItPerson] == 1) {

            // Ensure the "it" person does not go beyond the
            // team size
            itPerson = max(itPerson, nonItPerson - dist);

            // Determine the last person the "it" person can
            // catch
            int lastCatchablePerson
                = min(nonItPerson + dist, teamSize - 1);

            // Try to catch a person
            while (itPerson <= lastCatchablePerson) {

                // If the person is not "it", catch them and
                // break the loop
                if (team[itPerson++] == 0) {

    // Return the total number of people caught
    return peopleCaught;

int main()

    // input team and distance
    vector<int> team = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 };
    int dist = 2;

    // Call the maxPeopleCaught method with the static input
    int maxCaught = maxPeopleCaught(team, dist);

    // Print the maximum number of people that can be caught
    cout << "The maximum number of people that can be "
            "caught is "
         << maxCaught << "." << endl;

    return 0;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class MaxPeopleCaught {
    public static int maxPeopleCaught(ArrayList<Integer> team, int dist) {
        // Get the size of the team
        int teamSize = team.size();

        // Initialize the count of people caught to 0
        int peopleCaught = 0;

        // Iterate over the team
        for (int itPerson = 0, nonItPerson = 0; nonItPerson < teamSize; nonItPerson++) {
            // If the person is "it"
            if (team.get(nonItPerson) == 1) {
                // Ensure the "it" person does not go beyond the team size
                itPerson = Math.max(itPerson, nonItPerson - dist);

                // Determine the last person the "it" person can catch
                int lastCatchablePerson = Math.min(nonItPerson + dist, teamSize - 1);

                // Try to catch a person
                while (itPerson <= lastCatchablePerson) {
                    // If the person is not "it", catch them and break the loop
                    if (team.get(itPerson++) == 0) {

        // Return the total number of people caught
        return peopleCaught;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Input team and distance
        ArrayList<Integer> team = new ArrayList<>();
        int dist = 2;

        // Call the maxPeopleCaught method with the static input
        int maxCaught = maxPeopleCaught(team, dist);

        // Print the maximum number of people that can be caught
        System.out.println("The maximum number of people that can be caught is " + maxCaught + ".");

// This code is contributed by shivamgupta0987654321
def max_people_caught(team, dist):
    # Get the size of the team
    team_size = len(team)

    # Initialize the count of people caught to 0
    people_caught = 0

    # Iterate over the team
    for non_it_person in range(team_size):
        # If the person is "it"
        if team[non_it_person] == 1:
            # Ensure the "it" person does not go beyond the team size
            it_person = max(0, non_it_person - dist)

            # Determine the last person the "it" person can catch
            last_catchable_person = min(non_it_person + dist, team_size - 1)

            # Try to catch a person
            while it_person <= last_catchable_person:
                # If the person is not "it", catch them and break the loop
                if team[it_person] == 0:
                    people_caught += 1
                it_person += 1

    # Return the total number of people caught
    return people_caught

# Input team and distance
team = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]
dist = 2

# Call the max_people_caught function with the given input
max_caught = max_people_caught(team, dist)

# Print the maximum number of people that can be caught
print("The maximum number of people that can be caught is", max_caught, ".")
#this code is contributed by Prachi
function maxPeopleCaught(team, dist) {
    // Get the size of the team
    let teamSize = team.length;

    // Initialize the count of people caught to 0
    let peopleCaught = 0;

    // Iterate over the team
    for (let nonItPerson = 0; nonItPerson < teamSize; nonItPerson++) {
        let itPerson = 0;

        // If the person is "it"
        if (team[nonItPerson] === 1) {

            // Ensure the "it" person does not go beyond the
            // team size
            itPerson = Math.max(itPerson, nonItPerson - dist);

            // Determine the last person the "it" person can
            // catch
            let lastCatchablePerson = Math.min(nonItPerson + dist, teamSize - 1);

            // Try to catch a person
            while (itPerson <= lastCatchablePerson) {

                // If the person is not "it", catch them and
                // break the loop
                if (team[itPerson++] === 0) {

    // Return the total number of people caught
    return peopleCaught;

// Driver code
// Input team and distance
let team = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1];
let dist = 2;

// Call the maxPeopleCaught function with the static input
let maxCaught = maxPeopleCaught(team, dist);

// Print the maximum number of people that can be caught
console.log("The maximum number of people that can be caught is " + maxCaught + ".");
//this code is contributed by utkarsh

The maximum number of people that can be caught is 4.

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)