Maximum length of consecutive 1’s in a binary string in Python using Map function

We are given a binary string containing 1’s and 0’s. Find the maximum length of consecutive 1’s in it.


Input : str = '11000111101010111'
Output : 4

We have an existing solution for this problem please refer to Maximum consecutive one’s (or zeros) in a binary array link. We can solve this problem within single line of code in Python. The approach is very simple,  

  1. Separate all sub-strings of consecutive 1’s separated by zeros using split() method of string.
  2. Print maximum length of split sub-strings of 1’s.



# Function to find Maximum length of consecutive 1's in a binary string
def maxConsecutive1(input):
     # input.split('0') --> splits all sub-strings of consecutive 1's
     # separated by 0's, output will be like ['11','1111','1','1','111']
     # map(len,input.split('0'))  --> map function maps len function on each
     # sub-string of consecutive 1's
     # max() returns maximum element from a list
     print max(map(len,input.split('0')))
# Driver program
if __name__ == "__main__":
    input = '11000111101010111'



Time complexity : O(n) 
Auxiliary Space : O(1)