Measure The Time You Take To Type A Word Using Python

Here, we have task to measure the time takes to type a word in Python. In this article we will see how to measure the time you to type a word in Python, we will type the word and measure the type using some simple generally used methods.

Example :

Input : Type the word 'w3wiki': w3wiki
Output: Time taken: 3.04 seconds
               Typing speed: 256.17 WPM
Explanation: Here, we type the word w3wiki and measure its time and typing speed.

Measure the Time You Take to Type a Word Using Python

Below, are the methods of Measure The Time You Take To Type A Word Using Python.

  • Using time Module
  • Using keyboard Module
  • Using getpass Module

Measure the Time You Take to Type a Word Using time Module

In this example, below Python code measures the time taken to type the word “w3wiki” and calculates the typing speed in words per minute (WPM). It records the start time, prompts the user to input the specified word, and then captures the end time. The script then calculates the time elapsed, computes the WPM, and prints the results.


import time
word = "w3wiki"
start_time = time.time()
input_word = input(f"Type the word '{word}': ")
end_time = time.time()
time_taken = end_time - start_time
wpm = len(word) / (time_taken / 60)
print(f"\nTime taken: {time_taken:.2f} seconds")
print(f"Typing speed: {wpm:.2f} WPM")


Type the word 'w3wiki': w3wiki

Time taken: 3.04 seconds
Typing speed: 256.17 WPM

Measure the Time You Take to Type a Word Using keyboard Module

In this example, below Python code uses the keyboard module to measure the time taken to type the word “w3wiki” in real-time. It records keypress events, calculates the elapsed time, and computes the typing speed in words per minute (WPM), offering a dynamic assessment of typing proficiency.


import keyboard
import time
word = "w3wiki"
typed_word = ""
print(f"Type the word '{word}': ")
start_time = time.time()
while True:
    event = keyboard.read_event(suppress=True)
    if event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_DOWN:
        if == "enter":
        typed_word +=
end_time = time.time()
time_taken = end_time - start_time
wpm = len(word) / (time_taken / 60)
print(f"\nTime taken: {time_taken:.2f} seconds")
print(f"Typing speed: {wpm:.2f} WPM")


Type the word 'w3wiki': w3wiki

Time taken: 3.19 seconds
Typing speed: 244.186 WPM

Measure the Time You Take to Type a Word Using getpass Module

In this example, below Python code, using `getpass` for hidden input, measures the time to type the word “w3wiki,” calculating typing speed in words per minute (WPM). It ensures secure user input, records time elapsed during typing, and prints the results.


import getpass
import time
word = "w3wiki"
print(f"Type the word '{word}': ")
start_time = time.time()
typed_word = getpass.getpass(prompt="")  # Use getpass for hidden input
end_time = time.time()
time_taken = end_time - start_time
wpm = len(word) / (time_taken / 60)
print(f"\nTime taken: {time_taken:.2f} seconds")
print(f"Typing speed: {wpm:.2f} WPM")


Type the word 'w3wiki': w3wiki

Time taken: 3.00 seconds
Typing speed: 234.02 WPM


In conclusion , Measuring the time it takes to type a word using Python offers a practical way to assess and improve your typing speed. Whether you prefer a basic approach using the time module or real-time monitoring with the keyboard module, Python provides flexibility in catering to your specific needs. For more advanced analysis, integrating external APIs like TypingDNA can offer insights beyond mere speed, providing a holistic evaluation of your typing proficiency.