Interview Experience for Web Developer 2023

In November 2023 came to our college campus. They organized 3 rounds of interviews

MCQs on InterviewBit

So the first round was an MCQ round where they asked us questions on OS, DBMS, Quants, LR, OOPS and DSA.25 questions of MCQ were asked and 2 questions of coding. The first coding question was easy we had to just use one while loop and the other question was using DP. However, due to time constraints, I solved it in O(n^2) and passed almost all cases except 1. So after the first round, we received an email in which they selected 19 students out of almost 200 students.

Interview Round on DSA

In the Second round, we had to visit the company where they scheduled our interview. It was white paper coding where we had to explain the interviewer code on paper with examples. So here I was asked questions on OOPS and DSA. In oops interviewer asked me method overloading, method over-riding and about classes and objects and in DSA he asked me questions like Kadanes algo and product except self in this question he gave me only I/o and o/p and told me to find the pattern in this question, and in the last question I was asked climbing stairs problem Overall round was easy to medium and the interviewer was very friendly. They don’t let you feel the pressure, they always keep you at ease.

Interview Round on Advanced DSA

In the last round, I was given web and DB options. I chose the Web. This round was pretty much difficult as the questions asked were medium to advanced-level questions. Three questions were asked first spiral matrix traversal, trapping rain water and finding the first and last position of an index in LogN TC. Here interviewer asked me about networking questions such as Cookies and Sessions, TCP handshake and DNS lookup. Note that no question was asked directly. All the questions asked were application-based and indirect. At the end of the interview, he told me to write an SQL query where I have to return an Employee with having maximum salary. Table1 was Emp_id and Emp_name and Table2 was Emp_id and salary.

After the last round within 1 day, I received mail from my TPO where I was selected and an email of my Offer letter was sent to me.

Note: Keep interacting with the interviewer as they are pretty much helpful and sometimes they even solve along with us.