Meesho Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Meesho visited our campus for hiring a full-time role. The drive consisted of 4 rounds. 

Round 1: This was a coding round that consisted of 3 coding questions and some MCQs. MCQs were based on computer science subjects like computer networks, databases, and operating systems, and also c++/java concepts. The level of MCQs wasn’t very hard. The coding questions were as follows: 

  1. Given a string of characters from the set {A.C.G.T}, output a string such as it is the reverse of the given string and the letters A is changes to G and C to T and vice versa. (A very basic question. Anyone who knows how to use loops can submit this question) 
  2. Given a 2D matrix that contains either a # or a. At a cell where # means a block and. means a freeway. You can move only on the freeway. Apart from the matrix, a Time variable is also given as input. Given these two we have to output YES if we can go from the top left corner to the bottom right corner in time less than equal to the input time, or else output NO. (the first solution that comes to mind is BFS. just one small thing while applying bfs make sure you break it if the time crosses the input time as the answer is straightaway no otherwise you will get TLE)
  3. Weighted job scheduling  (nlogn will pass n2 will give TLE)
    All those who got all 3 submitted were shortlisted for interview rounds. 15 got shortlisted.

Round 2: This was the first interview round. The interviewer was helpful and this round only has coding questions. No other thing is asked.  Consisted of two coding questions 

  1. I don’t remember the exact question, but it was somewhat related to storing frequencies in a map. It was not a hard ques. 
  2. Given an array of stock prices on the day. On each day we can sell all the stocks that we have, buy 1 stock or do nothing. Find the maximum profit. 
    (this was to be done in o(n) complexity. Just traverse from right to left and subtract maxTillNow – current. Update maxTillNow. )

9 students were shortlisted for the next round of interviews.

Round 3: This round I expected it to be technical as in DBMS OS networking and projects, but it was system design only. I was asked to explain the design of a basic OTP system. The interviewer was interactive, and it was more like a discussion than an interview. The functionalities to be implemented were given by him step by step. It was a good round.

4 students cleared this round for HR

Round 4: This was the HR round and nothing was asked. This was mainly for informing you that the 4 students were selected for the full-time role. 

I was one of the 4 students.