Meiosis I – Reductional Cell Division

Meiosis I, often known as reductional cell division, reduces the chromosome number to half while promoting genetic diversity. Similar pairs of chromosomes split off and enter the two daughter cells during this phase. As a result, half of the entire number of chromosomes is obtained. Meiosis, a process in the life of sexually reproducing organisms, ensures genetic diversity and stable chromosome numbers across generations. In this article, we will read about What is Meiosis I, the mechanism of Meiosis I, the Phases of Meiosis I, the significance of Meiosis I, and Meiosis vs. Mitosis.

Table of Content

  • What is Meiosis I?
  • Mechanism of Meiosis
  • Phases of Meiosis I
  • Significance of Meiosis I
  • Meiosis Vs Mitosis

What is Meiosis I?

In Meiosis I, cell division takes place that reduces chromosomes by half, a necessary process in sexually reproducing organisms. This reduction is important for maintaining a stable chromosome number across generations and for genetic diversity through independent assortment. Unlike mitosis, which is involved in growth and maintaining the same chromosome number, meiosis reduces the chromosome number by half. This reduction is important for maintaining the species-specific chromosomes through sexual reproduction.

Mechanism of Meiosis

Meiosis is a specialized form of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half, creating four genetically diverse haploid cells from an original diploid cell. During Meiosis I, homologous chromosomes, each consisting of two sister chromatids, pair up in a process called synapsis and then cross over, where homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, increasing genetic diversity. Then, these homologous chromosomes are pulled to opposite poles, reducing the chromosome number by half.

During meiosis II, the sister chromatids between the two daughter cells split, resulting in the formation of four additional haploid gametes. Meiosis II functions similarly to mitosis, with the exception that homologous chromosomes are only present in one set in each dividing cell.

Meiosis I Diagram

The labelled diagram of Meosis I is shown below:

Phases of Meiosis I

In meiosis I, the chromosomal number is decreased from diploid (2n) to haploid (n) during this procedure. In people (2n = 46), who have 23 sets of chromosomes, the quantity of chromosomes is diminished at the end of meiosis I (n = 23). Each of these cells contains one chromosome from each homologous pair, setting the stage for the second meiotic division, where the separation of sister chromatids occurs. It involves four different phases: Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, and Telophase I, and each phase has critical functions.

Prophase I

Prophase I is the longest and most complex phase of meiosis, and it is also divided into five different stages: leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis. Below is a mind map of the events occurring during Prophase I:

Metaphase I

The following events occurring during Metaphase I :-

  • This phase involves bivalents aligned at the metaphase I plate, in the cell. The alignment is random, contributing to genetic diversity .
  • The spindle fibers at each pole of the cell are attached to each chromosome of each pair.

Anaphase I

The following events occurring during Anaphase I :-

  • In this phase homologous chromosomes are attracted to the opposite poles and sister chromatids are attached to centromeres .
  • In this stage, sister chromatids will stay together.

Telophase I

The following events occurring during Telophase I :-

  • In Telophase I they reach at the poles and nuclear membranes may begin to form around a set of chromosomes.
  • Cytokinesis involves the division of the cell cytoplasm, which forms two identical daughter cells.

Significance of Meiosis I

The following points highlight the significance of meiosis I:

  • Maintenance of Chromosome Number: The most important role of Meiosis I is to half the chromosome number in gametes. Without this reduction, successive generations would experience genetic instability.
  • Genetic Diversity through Recombination: Recombination is necessary for population diversity, as it produces new combinations of genes that are different from parents.
  • Independent Assortment: In this process, each gamete receives a mix of maternal, and paternal chromosomes which increases the variability in the population.
  • Fertility and Reproductive Health: Meiosis I is necessary for fertility and reproductive health. Problems in Meiosis I can lead to chromosomal disorders like Down syndrome, and Klinefelter syndrome.
  • Agricultural Advancements: Meiosis I is used in the development of hybrid crops. Scientists can breed plants with useful traits such as disease resistance and increased yield and face environmental changes.

Meiosis Vs Mitosis

Meiosis I and Mitosis are both forms of cell division, but they show different processes and results. Mitosis is involved in growth, development, in organisms and results in two identical daughter cells which has same chromosome number as the parent cell. Meiosis I consists of a single division phase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and maintains the diploid chromosome number.


Meiosis I plays an important role in the life of sexually reproducing organisms. By reducing the chromosome to half, involving processes like homologous chromosome pairing, crossing over, and genetic recombination during prophase I that helps in genetic variation, it helps in genetic diversity that characterizes sexual reproduction. This process not only ensures genetic diversity but also maintains a consistent chromosome number across generations, a balance that is for the survival and evolution of species. It informs medical research, particularly in genetics and reproductive health, and increases our understanding of evolutionary processes.

FAQs – Meiosis I : Reductional Cell Division

Is Meiosis I equal to Mitosis?

Meiosis I is not equal to mitosis. Meiosis I involves homologous chromosomes separating, leading to haploid cells, whereas mitosis results in identical diploid daughter cells.

What is the interphase I of Meiosis?

Interphase I of meiosis is a phase where the cell undergoes DNA replication, resulting in chromosomes with two sister chromatids, essential for meiotic divisions.

Why is there no interphase between Meiosis I and II?

There is no interphase between meiosis I and II because DNA replication, which occurs during interphase, is not needed again now the focus is on separating sister chromatids.

What happens between Meiosis I and Meiosis II?

Between meiosis I and II, the cell undergoes an interphase-like stage without DNA replication, called interkinesis, and then immediately proceeds to meiosis II where sister chromatids are separated.

What is unique about Meiosis I?

Meiosis I is unique because it involves homologous chromosomes pairing and then separating, a process called reductional division, which reduces the chromosome number by half, creating haploid cells.

What happens if Meiosis I does not occur?

If meiosis I does not occur, homologous chromosomes won’t separate, leading to gametes with an incorrect number of chromosomes, which can cause disorders like infertility.