Memory Management in JavaScript

Memory management in JavaScript is handled automatically by the runtime environment, typically the JavaScript engine in web browsers or Node.js. JavaScript uses a garbage collector to manage memory and ensure that developers do not need to manually allocate or deallocate memory.

Memory Life Cycle

Irrespective of the programming language, the memory life cycle follows the following stages:

  1. Allocates the memory we need: JavaScript allocates memory to the object created.
  2. Use the allocated memory.
  3. Release the memory when not in use: Once the allocated memory is released, it is used for other purposes. It is handled by a JavaScript engine.

The second stage is the same for all the languages. However, the first and last stages are implicit in high-level languages like JavaScript.

Note:Objects” in this context not only mean objects in JavaScript but also functions and function scopes.

JavaScript engines have two places to store data

  • Stack: It is a data structure used to store static data. Static data refers to data whose size is known by the engine during compile time. In JavaScript, static data includes primitive values like strings, numbers, boolean, null, and undefined. References that point to objects and functions are also included. A fixed amount of memory is allocated for static data. This process is known as static memory allocation.
  • Heap: It is used to store objects and functions in JavaScript. The engine doesn’t allocate a fixed amount of memory. Instead, it allocates more space as required.




Primitive data types and references Objects and functions
Size is known at compile time  Size is known at run time
Fixed memory allocated No limit for object memory

Example: In the below example object ’employee’ is created in the heap and a reference to it is in the stack.


const employee = {
  name: 'Rajesh',
  age: 30,
const name="Ram"
// Allocates memory for object in heap.Values
// in object are primitive,which is why they
// are stored in stack.
function getname(name) {
    return name;
// The function return value is given to stack after
// being evaluated in the heap
const newEmployee = employee;
// The newEmployee object will be stored in the stack and
// it will refer to the employee object in heap

Memory Management in JavaScript

Garbage Collection

Garbage collectors are used in releasing memory. Once the engine recognizes that a variable, object, or function is not needed anymore, it releases the memory it occupied. The main issue here is that it is very difficult to predict accurately whether a particular variable, object, or function is needed anymore or not. Some algorithms help to find the moment when they become obsolete with great precision.

Reference-counting garbage collection

It frees the memory allocated to the objects that have no references pointing to them. However, the problem with this algorithm is that it doesn’t understand cyclic references.

Example: In this example, the game and boy both reference each other. Thus, the algorithm won’t release the allocated memory. Setting them to null won’t make the algorithm realize that they can’t be used anymore, leading to no release of allocated memory.


let game = {
  name: 'cricket',
let boy = {
  name: 'Ram',
game.boy = boy; = game;
boy = null;
game = null;

Mark-and-sweep algorithm

This algorithm solves the above-mentioned issue. Instead of finding references to a particular object, it detects if they are reachable from the root object.

Note: In JavaScript root is the window object while in NodeJS it is the global object.

The algorithm marks objects that are not reachable as garbage and collects (sweeps) them. Thus, it is known as Mark and Sweep algorithm. In the previous example, neither the game nor the boy object can be accessed from the root object. Thus, it is marked as garbage and collected afterwards.