Menu Driven Program to convert MKS to CGS and CGS to MKS

Prerequisite: Switch Case in C/C++
Problem Statement: 
Write a menu-driven program using the Switch case to convert the CGS system to MKS system and vice versa.
MKS(Meter-Kilogram-Second) System: The MKS System of units refers to the physical measurement system in which the Dimensions length, weight and time are measured in Meters, Kilograms and Seconds respectively.

MKS System:

Length - meters (m)
Weight - kilograms (kg)
Time - seconds (s)

CGS(Centimeter-Gram-Second) System: The CGS System of units refers to the physical measurement system in which the Dimensions length, weight and time are measured in Centimeters, Grams and Seconds respectively.

CGS System:

Length - centimeters (cm)
Weight - grams (g)
Time - seconds (s)

How to convert MKS to CGS? 
In order to convert the MKS system to the CGS system, the conversion is done as follows:

For Length:
    1 meter = 100 centimeter
    multiply the given length value by 100.

For Weight:
    1 kilogram = 1000 gram
    multiply the given weight value by 1000.

For Time:
    1 second = 1 second
    The time value will remain the same.

How to convert CGS to MKS? 
Inorder to convert the CGS system to MKS system, the conversion is done as follows:

For Length:
    1 centimeter = 1/100 met
    divide the given length value by 100.

For Weight:
    1 gram = 1/1000 kilogram
    divide the given weight value by 1000.

For Time:
    1 second = 1 second
    The time value will remain the same.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ menu-driven program using the Switch case
// to convert the CGS system to MKS system
// and vice versa
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// declare mks class pre-hand for reference
// to mks class for friend function in cgs.
class mks;
class cgs {
    // cgs units: centimeter, gram, second.
    //(length, weight, time)
    float cm, gm, sec;
    // Default constructor
        cm = 0;
        gm = 0;
        sec = 0;
    // Parameterized constructor
    cgs(float x, float y, float z)
        cm = x;
        gm = y;
        sec = z;
    void disp_cgs()
        cout << cm << "\t" << gm
             << "\t" << sec << "\n";
    void disp_cgs1()
        cout << cm;
    void disp_cgs2()
        cout << gm;
    void disp_cgs3()
        cout << sec;
    // friend functions:
    friend mks cgs2mks(cgs);
    friend cgs mks2cgs(mks);
class mks {
    // mks units: meter, kilogram, second.
    //(length, weight, time)
    float m, kg, sec;
    // Default constructor
        m = 0;
        kg = 0;
        sec = 0;
    // Parameterized constructor
    mks(float x, float y, float z)
        m = x;
        kg = y;
        sec = z;
    void disp_mks()
        cout << m << "\t" << kg
             << "\t" << sec << "\n";
    void disp_mks1()
        cout << m;
    void disp_mks2()
        cout << kg;
    void disp_mks3()
        cout << sec;
    friend mks cgs2mks(cgs);
    friend cgs mks2cgs(mks);
// mks->cgs conversion:
mks cgs2mks(cgs c)
    mks t;
    t.m = / 100; = / 1000;
    t.sec = c.sec;
    return t;
// cgs->mks conversion:
cgs mks2cgs(mks d)
    cgs t; = d.m * 100; = * 1000;
    t.sec = d.sec;
    return t;
// Code for menu
void menu(int mainMenuChoice, int parameterChoice)
    float distanceValue = 30, weightValue = 300, timeValue = 3000;
    int continueChoice = 0;
    cout << "MKS <-> CGS converter menu:\n";
    do {
        cout << "Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.\n"
             << "Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.\n";
        cout << "\nYou have chosen: "
             << mainMenuChoice
             << "\n\n";
        switch (mainMenuChoice) {
        case 1: {
            cout << "Enter 0 to convert all three parameters"
                 << "- distance, weight and time.\n"
                 << "Enter 1 for converting distance\n"
                 << "Enter 2 for converting weight\n"
                 << "Enter 3 for converting time\n";
            cout << "\nYou have chosen: "
                 << parameterChoice
                 << "\n\n";
            switch (parameterChoice) {
            case 0: {
                cout << "Enter values for distance unit in centimeter.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "Enter values for weight unit in grams.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "Enter values for time unit in seconds.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "The entered values in CGS system are: \n";
                cgs c(distanceValue, weightValue, timeValue);
                cout << "Corresponding values in MKS system: \n";
                mks m = cgs2mks(c);
                cout << endl;
            case 1: {
                cout << "Enter values for distance unit in centimeter.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "The entered values in CGS system are: \n";
                cgs c(distanceValue, 0, 0);
                cout << "Corresponding values in MKS system: \n";
                mks m = cgs2mks(c);
                cout << endl;
            case 2: {
                cout << "Enter values for weight unit in grams.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "The entered values in CGS system are: \n";
                cgs c(0, weightValue, 0);
                cout << "Corresponding values in MKS system: \n";
                mks m = cgs2mks(c);
                cout << endl;
            case 3: {
                cout << "Enter values for time unit in seconds.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "The entered values in CGS system are: \n";
                cgs c(0, 0, timeValue);
                cout << "Corresponding values in MKS system: \n";
                mks m = cgs2mks(c);
                cout << endl;
        case 2: {
            cout << "Enter 0 to convert all three parameters"
                 << "- distance, weight and time.\n"
                 << "Enter 1 for converting distance\n"
                 << "Enter 2 for converting weight\n"
                 << "Enter 3 for converting time\n";
            cout << "\nYou have chosen: "
                 << parameterChoice
                 << "\n\n";
            switch (parameterChoice) {
            case 0: {
                cout << "Enter values for distance unit in meter.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "Enter values for weight unit in kilogram.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "Enter values for time unit in second.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "The entered values in MKS system are: \n";
                mks m(distanceValue, weightValue, timeValue);
                cout << "Corresponding values in CGS system: \n";
                cgs c = mks2cgs(m);
                cout << endl;
            case 1: {
                cout << "Enter values for distance unit in meter.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "The entered values in MKS system are: \n";
                mks m(distanceValue, 0, 0);
                cout << "Corresponding values in CGS system: \n";
                cgs c = mks2cgs(m);
                cout << endl;
            case 2: {
                cout << "Enter values for weight unit in kilogram.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "The entered values in MKS system are: \n";
                mks m(0, weightValue, 0);
                cout << "Corresponding values in CGS system: \n";
                cgs c = mks2cgs(m);
                cout << endl;
            case 3: {
                cout << "Enter values for time unit in second.\n";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "The entered values in MKS system are: \n";
                mks m(0, 0, timeValue);
                cout << "Corresponding values in CGS system: \n";
                cgs c = mks2cgs(m);
                cout << endl;
        cout << "Enter 1 to continue, or\n"
             << "Press any other key to exit.\n";
    } while (continueChoice == 1);
// Driver code
int main()
    cout << "Check for CGS to MKS of all units.\n\n";
    menu(1, 0);
    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "\nCheck for CGS to MKS of only distance unit.\n\n";
    menu(1, 1);
    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "\nCheck for CGS to MKS of only weight unit.\n\n";
    menu(1, 2);
    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "\nCheck for CGS to MKS of only time unit.\n\n";
    menu(1, 3);
    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "Check for MKS to CGS of all units.\n\n";
    menu(2, 0);
    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "\nCheck for MKS to CGS of only distance unit.\n\n";
    menu(2, 1);
    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "\nCheck for MKS to CGS of only weight unit.\n\n";
    menu(2, 2);
    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "\nCheck for MKS to CGS of only time unit.\n\n";
    menu(2, 3);
    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
    return 0;


Check for CGS to MKS of all units.

MKS <-> CGS converter menu:
Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.
Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.

You have chosen: 1

Enter 0 to convert all three parameters- distance, weight and time.
Enter 1 for converting distance
Enter 2 for converting weight
Enter 3 for converting time

You have chosen: 0

Enter values for distance unit in centimeter.

Enter values for weight unit in grams.

Enter values for time unit in seconds.

The entered values in CGS system are: 
30    300    3000
Corresponding values in MKS system: 
0.3    0.3    3000

Enter 1 to continue, or
Press any other key to exit.


Check for CGS to MKS of only distance unit.

MKS <-> CGS converter menu:
Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.
Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.

You have chosen: 1

Enter 0 to convert all three parameters- distance, weight and time.
Enter 1 for converting distance
Enter 2 for converting weight
Enter 3 for converting time

You have chosen: 1

Enter values for distance unit in centimeter.

The entered values in CGS system are: 
30    0    0
Corresponding values in MKS system: 
0.3    0    0

Enter 1 to continue, or
Press any other key to exit.


Check for CGS to MKS of only weight unit.

MKS <-> CGS converter menu:
Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.
Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.

You have chosen: 1

Enter 0 to convert all three parameters- distance, weight and time.
Enter 1 for converting distance
Enter 2 for converting weight
Enter 3 for converting time

You have chosen: 2

Enter values for weight unit in grams.

The entered values in CGS system are: 
0    300    0
Corresponding values in MKS system: 
0    0.3    0

Enter 1 to continue, or
Press any other key to exit.


Check for CGS to MKS of only time unit.

MKS <-> CGS converter menu:
Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.
Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.

You have chosen: 1

Enter 0 to convert all three parameters- distance, weight and time.
Enter 1 for converting distance
Enter 2 for converting weight
Enter 3 for converting time

You have chosen: 3

Enter values for time unit in seconds.

The entered values in CGS system are: 
0    0    3000
Corresponding values in MKS system: 
0    0    3000

Enter 1 to continue, or
Press any other key to exit.

Check for MKS to CGS of all units.

MKS <-> CGS converter menu:
Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.
Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.

You have chosen: 2

Enter 0 to convert all three parameters- distance, weight and time.
Enter 1 for converting distance
Enter 2 for converting weight
Enter 3 for converting time

You have chosen: 0

Enter values for distance unit in meter.

Enter values for weight unit in kilogram.

Enter values for time unit in second.

The entered values in MKS system are: 
30    300    3000
Corresponding values in CGS system: 
3000    300000    3000

Enter 1 to continue, or
Press any other key to exit.


Check for MKS to CGS of only distance unit.

MKS <-> CGS converter menu:
Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.
Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.

You have chosen: 2

Enter 0 to convert all three parameters- distance, weight and time.
Enter 1 for converting distance
Enter 2 for converting weight
Enter 3 for converting time

You have chosen: 1

Enter values for distance unit in meter.

The entered values in MKS system are: 
30    0    0
Corresponding values in CGS system: 
3000    0    0

Enter 1 to continue, or
Press any other key to exit.


Check for MKS to CGS of only weight unit.

MKS <-> CGS converter menu:
Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.
Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.

You have chosen: 2

Enter 0 to convert all three parameters- distance, weight and time.
Enter 1 for converting distance
Enter 2 for converting weight
Enter 3 for converting time

You have chosen: 2

Enter values for weight unit in kilogram.

The entered values in MKS system are: 
0    300    0
Corresponding values in CGS system: 
0    300000    0

Enter 1 to continue, or
Press any other key to exit.


Check for MKS to CGS of only time unit.

MKS <-> CGS converter menu:
Enter 1 for CGS to MKS conversion.
Enter 2 for MKS to CGS conversion.

You have chosen: 2

Enter 0 to convert all three parameters- distance, weight and time.
Enter 1 for converting distance
Enter 2 for converting weight
Enter 3 for converting time

You have chosen: 3

Enter values for time unit in second.

The entered values in MKS system are: 
0    0    3000
Corresponding values in CGS system: 
0    0    3000

Enter 1 to continue, or
Press any other key to exit.
