Method of Variation of Parameters to Solve 2nd Order Differential Equations in MATLAB

MATLAB can be used to solve numerically second and higher-order ordinary differential equations. In this article, we will see the method of variation of parameters to Solve 2nd Order Differential Equations in MATLAB.

Step 1: Let the given 2nd Order Differential Equation in terms of ‘x’ is:

Step 2: Then, we reduce it to its Auxiliary Equation(AE) form: _{r}{^2}+ pr +Q = 0

Step 3: Then, we find the Determinant of the above AE by the Relation:

Step 4: If the Determinant found above is Positive (2 Distinct Real roots r1 & r2), then the Complementary Function(CF) will be:

Step 5: If the Determinant found above is Zero (1 Unique Real Root ,r1=r2=r), then the Complementary Function(CF) will be: 

Step 6: If the Determinant found above is Negative (Complex Roots, r = α ± iβ), then the Complementary Function(CF) will be:

Step 7: In all the Above 3-Cases, the Coefficient of C1 is termed ‘y1‘, and the Coefficient of C2 is termed ‘y2.

Step 8: Then we find the Wronskian(W) by the Relation: 

Step 9: After finding ‘W’, we find the Particular Integral (PI) by the Relation: 

Step 10: Finally the General Solution(GS) of the 2nd Order Differential Equation is found by the Relation:  




% MATLAB code for Method of Variation of Parameters 
% to Solve 2nd Order Differential 
% Equations in MATLAB
clear all     
% To Declare them as Variables
syms r c1 c2 x 
disp("Method of Variation of Parameters to Solve 
2nd Order Differential Equations in MATLAB | w3wiki")
E=input("Enter the coefficients of the 2nd Order Differential equation"); 
X=input("Enter the R.H.S of the 2nd order Differential equation");
% Coefficients of the 2nd Order Differential Equations
a=E(1); b=E(2); c=E(3); 
% Roots of Auxiliary Equation (AE)
r1=S(1); r2=S(2);
% Determinant of Auxiliary Equation (AE)
if D>0
    % Complementary Function
elseif D==0
    % Complementary Function
     % Complementary Function
% Particular Integral
PI=simplify((-y1)*int(y2*X/W) + (y2)*int(y1*X/W)) 
% General Solution



Input: y'' -6y' + 25 = e2x + sinx + x


Input: y'' -2y' + 3 = x3 + cosx