Methods to Reduce Friction

Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object when it is in contact with another surface. It arises from the interactions between the atoms and molecules on the surfaces that are in contact. In this article, we will learn about friction and different methods to reduce the fraction.

Friction Definition

Friction is a force that resists the relative motion between two surfaces that are in contact.

When two things rub together, friction is what makes it hard to slide them apart. It is why we can walk without slipping. Our shoes grip the ground because of friction.

If we try to push a heavy box, friction is what makes it tough. The rougher the surfaces, the more friction there is. But, if the surfaces are smooth, like ice, there’s less friction, and things can slide easily.

Types of Friction

Friction can be categorized in various types, based on different criteria such as the nature of the surfaces in contact. There are four types of friction. Let’s discuss them below.

Type of Friction



Static Friction

The force that needs to be overcome to start moving an object. It acts when objects are not moving relative to each other.

Pushing a couch that doesn’t immediately start moving.

Kinetic Friction

Occurs between surfaces in relative motion. It’s usually less than static friction.

Sliding a book across a table.

Rolling Friction

The resistance encountered by an object rolling over a surface. It’s typically less than sliding friction.

A bowling ball rolling down a lane.

Fluid Friction

Resistance faced by objects moving through a fluid (liquid or gas).

Swimming in water or a leaf falling through the air.

Methods to Reduce Friction

We need methods to reduce friction to make things last longer and work better. Friction causes wear and tear. When parts rub together, they can break down. Reducing friction will cause less damage and fewer repairs.

Reducing friction also saves energy. Machines and gadgets can run smoother and use less power. It also makes moving parts like wheels and gears work more easily. If we do not reduce friction, everything from cars to kitchen blenders would wear out faster and cost more to maintain.

Here are the most common methods to reduce friction :

  1. Lubrication
  2. Polishing
  3. Surface Coatings
  4. Use of Bearings
  5. Streamlining

Let’s learn about each of these methods in detail.


  • Applying substances like oil or grease between surfaces can create a thin barrier that prevents direct contact. This reduces the grip between the surfaces, making them slide over each other more easily.
  • Lubricants are chosen based on the type of surfaces and the conditions they operate in, such as temperature and pressure.
  • Examples of lubrication are :
  1. Engine Oil: Inside car engines, oil reduces friction between moving parts, preventing them from wearing out quickly.
  2. Bicycle Chain Grease: Grease keeps the chain moving smoothly over the gears, making pedaling easier and extending the life of the chain.
  3. Engine Oil: Inside car engines, oil reduces friction between moving parts, preventing them from wearing out quickly.
  4. Bicycle Chain Grease: Grease keeps the chain moving smoothly over the gears, making pedaling easier and extending the life of the chain.
  5. Door Hinges: Applying oil to door hinges allows them to open and close smoothly, reducing the resistance caused by rust or wear.


  • By smoothing out the bumps and imperfections on a surface decreases resistance. This makes it easier for objects to move over the surface. This is why polished floors can be slippery and why components in machinery are often polished.
  • Examples of Polishing are:
  1. Wood Furniture: Polishing wooden surfaces makes them smooth. It reduces the drag when objects are moved across them.
  2. Metal Tools: Polishing tools like wrenches and screws minimizes the friction between the tool and its counterpart, making them more efficient.
  3. Floor Tiles: Shiny, polished floor tiles reduce friction underfoot, making it easier to clean and maintain them.

Surface Coatings

  • Applying special coatings to surfaces can lower friction. These coatings are usually very slick. They help surfaces slide over each other more easily.
  • Teflon on non-stick pans, ceramic coatings on engine parts, water-repellent sprays on clothing, and wax on surfboards are all examples. Each coating reduces friction for a smoother interaction.
  • Examples of surface coating :
  1. Teflon on cookware: Creates a non-stick surface that prevents food from adhering, making cleaning easier.
  2. Ceramic coatings on car exteriors: Provide a hard, protective layer that guards against scratches and UV damage.
  3. Silicone spray on plastic gears: Forms a lubricating layer that reduces friction and wear between moving parts.
  4. Graphene coatings on electronic devices: Enhance thermal conductivity, helping devices dissipate heat more efficiently.

Use of Bearings

  • Bearings replace sliding motion with rolling. Rolling has much less friction than sliding. This is because the contact area is smaller. Ball bearings in skate wheels, roller bearings in computer fans, needle bearings in bicycles, and spherical bearings in car suspensions show how bearings make movement easier by reducing friction.
  • Examples of Use of Bearing to reduce friction are:
  1. In skateboards: Ball bearings in the wheels allow the skateboard to glide smoothly over pavement by minimizing friction.
  2. In computer fans: Sleeve bearings in the fan help it spin with less resistance, cooling the computer efficiently.
  3. In washing machines: Roller bearings support the heavy drum, enabling it to spin freely with less force needed.
  4. In car wheels: Tapered roller bearings fit comfortably inside wheel hubs, allowing wheels to roll smoothly down the road with reduced friction.


  • Streamlining reduces resistance when an object moves through air or water.
  • In the process of streamlining, objects are designed to be sleek and smooth.
  • It cuts down on drag, the force that opposes motion.
  • It makes movement faster and more energy-efficient.
  • Examples of streamlining are :
  1. Sports Cars are designed with curved surfaces to slice through air. This enhances their speed and efficiency.
  2. The front end of bullet trains is shaped like a bullet to minimize air resistance. This allows high-speed travel.
  3. Frames and helmets of aerodynamic bicycles are designed to reduce air drag. This improves racing performance.
  4. Blades of wind turbines are streamlined to catch wind more effectively. This helps in generating more power.

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FAQs on Methods to Reduce Friction

What is the best lubricant for reducing friction?

The best lubricant depends on the application. For machines, synthetic oils are often preferred. In kitchenware, Teflon coatings are common.

How does polishing surfaces reduce friction?

Polishing smoothens surfaces, reducing microscopic roughness. This means less resistance when two surfaces slide over each other.

Can surface coatings permanently reduce friction?

While not permanent, high-quality coatings like Teflon or ceramic can significantly reduce friction for a long time before reapplication is needed.

What role do bearings play in friction reduction?

Bearings replace sliding friction with rolling friction, which requires less force, making movements smoother and more efficient.

How effective is silicone spray in reducing friction?

Silicone spray is very effective on plastic and rubber parts, providing a slippery layer that reduces wear and tear.

Are there eco-friendly methods to reduce friction?

Yes, using biodegradable lubricants and water-based coatings are eco-friendly options that effectively reduce friction.

How can I reduce friction in household appliances?

Regular maintenance, including cleaning and applying appropriate lubricants to moving parts, can reduce friction and extend appliance life.